Michael Harrop
Well-known member
The current model is not viable. Under the current circumstances, there is not much demand for the caliber of donor where you pay $1000 for a 50% chance at getting 50% better. Donors are unhappy with the lack of demand, and it may be discouraging new donors as well. I don't think this is a solvable problem. I've screened 1.2 million donor applicants without finding one that meets the ideal criteria, and the donors that don't meet the ideal criteria have not been highly effective for most people.
Demand was never a concern or focus of mine, but this obviously isn't going to work if there is no demand for donors. Word-of-mouth referrals appear to be minimal, probably due to people wanting a cure rather than a moderate chance for a small-moderate improvement. I left Reddit and Facebook due to these companies' unethical and highly problematic behavior, so I'm not active on any major social media sites where I can spread the word to people. Small forums like this one don't show up on search engines, and most people seem to be too lazy to join them and keep using problematic sites like Reddit and Facebook. Twitter and similar sites seem to only be useful if you have a large following. Instagram and TikTok have been quite useful for recruiting donors, but haven't had an impact on the demand end.
The more disreputable providers thrive on these problematic social media sites. One of the worst ones controls and astroturfs the largest Facebook groups, and the Reddit admins are now allowing them to proliferate on Reddit despite having been given ample evidence to ban the group site-wide. When the people with integrity leave, the people without it fill the void and flourish. The people too lazy and unintelligent to leave these websites will suffer the consequences of it, but there is little I can do about it, and I'm done trying to solve every problem myself. People have been unwilling to fight for better options and ditch large companies when they display problematic behavior. People will now be stuck with a source where you have a 50% chance of getting worse instead of a 50% chance of no improvement.
Nearly every patient community I've participated in (whether it be on small forums or large social media sites) has been willfully ignorant on the gut microbiome and FMT, and extremely unmotivated to do anything to better their situation, so it seems largely useless to spend time on outreach to these groups.
Given the events I've discussed in recent blogs:
I intend to increase donor payouts to a million dollars per stool. This will make it more obvious that I'm targeting exceptionally rare and healthy people. It would also reflect the magnitude of what such a "super-donor" is likely capable of. This would obviously be detrimental in many ways (few recipients can afford that) but what's happening now is not working. I'm also going to offer a half-a-million-dollar reward to motivate people to recruit these rare donors.
The best case scenario with the FDA is that they allow FMT to be done under medical supervision for any condition, and mandates public tracking & reporting of results that are donor-specific & source-specific, along with appropriate warnings & education so that patients and doctors understand the experimental nature of FMT and the importance of donor-quality. It may even be beneficial to have one source/website that all results are required to be submitted to. This would ensure that patients & doctors can accurately compare donors from all sources. Patients are then more confident to try FMT since it will be in a more official and supervised capacity. They'll see how much better our donors are than all other sources and opt to use our donors. We get to try other top donors that currently don't have demand, and research groups help test our donors to try to elucidate the donor-quality puzzle.
That's probably unlikely, and even if it happened it wouldn't solve the problem that the most effective donors seem to be the least likely to apply. So I don't know what else to do. The FDA is probably more likely to restrict the project so I might as well attempt one last-ditch effort.
I've already written up the blog post. I'm posting this thread as a last chance for anyone to intervene if they don't like this course of action and think there is a viable alternative. But this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I've given many hints and warnings about this over the years. And I've been clear that I am determined to do what it takes to acquire a highly effective donor.
I will do my best to make sure that the few people who provided significant help will be able to access these highly effective donors for an affordable price. I plan to post the blog after I find out what the FDA's stance is on the whole situation. My meeting with them is in early July.
Demand was never a concern or focus of mine, but this obviously isn't going to work if there is no demand for donors. Word-of-mouth referrals appear to be minimal, probably due to people wanting a cure rather than a moderate chance for a small-moderate improvement. I left Reddit and Facebook due to these companies' unethical and highly problematic behavior, so I'm not active on any major social media sites where I can spread the word to people. Small forums like this one don't show up on search engines, and most people seem to be too lazy to join them and keep using problematic sites like Reddit and Facebook. Twitter and similar sites seem to only be useful if you have a large following. Instagram and TikTok have been quite useful for recruiting donors, but haven't had an impact on the demand end.
The more disreputable providers thrive on these problematic social media sites. One of the worst ones controls and astroturfs the largest Facebook groups, and the Reddit admins are now allowing them to proliferate on Reddit despite having been given ample evidence to ban the group site-wide. When the people with integrity leave, the people without it fill the void and flourish. The people too lazy and unintelligent to leave these websites will suffer the consequences of it, but there is little I can do about it, and I'm done trying to solve every problem myself. People have been unwilling to fight for better options and ditch large companies when they display problematic behavior. People will now be stuck with a source where you have a 50% chance of getting worse instead of a 50% chance of no improvement.
Nearly every patient community I've participated in (whether it be on small forums or large social media sites) has been willfully ignorant on the gut microbiome and FMT, and extremely unmotivated to do anything to better their situation, so it seems largely useless to spend time on outreach to these groups.
Given the events I've discussed in recent blogs:
- I've screened 1.2 million applicants without finding one that meets the ideal criteria
- Raising donor payouts to $500 per stool seemed to be a major catalyst resulting in a huge amount of applications
- Most applicants are average people looking to make some extra money, are not the ideal demographic, and don't come close to qualifying
- The most likely people to qualify seem to be the least likely to apply [1][2]
- People who meet the ideal criteria are far more rare than I expected
I intend to increase donor payouts to a million dollars per stool. This will make it more obvious that I'm targeting exceptionally rare and healthy people. It would also reflect the magnitude of what such a "super-donor" is likely capable of. This would obviously be detrimental in many ways (few recipients can afford that) but what's happening now is not working. I'm also going to offer a half-a-million-dollar reward to motivate people to recruit these rare donors.
The best case scenario with the FDA is that they allow FMT to be done under medical supervision for any condition, and mandates public tracking & reporting of results that are donor-specific & source-specific, along with appropriate warnings & education so that patients and doctors understand the experimental nature of FMT and the importance of donor-quality. It may even be beneficial to have one source/website that all results are required to be submitted to. This would ensure that patients & doctors can accurately compare donors from all sources. Patients are then more confident to try FMT since it will be in a more official and supervised capacity. They'll see how much better our donors are than all other sources and opt to use our donors. We get to try other top donors that currently don't have demand, and research groups help test our donors to try to elucidate the donor-quality puzzle.
That's probably unlikely, and even if it happened it wouldn't solve the problem that the most effective donors seem to be the least likely to apply. So I don't know what else to do. The FDA is probably more likely to restrict the project so I might as well attempt one last-ditch effort.
I've already written up the blog post. I'm posting this thread as a last chance for anyone to intervene if they don't like this course of action and think there is a viable alternative. But this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I've given many hints and warnings about this over the years. And I've been clear that I am determined to do what it takes to acquire a highly effective donor.
I will do my best to make sure that the few people who provided significant help will be able to access these highly effective donors for an affordable price. I plan to post the blog after I find out what the FDA's stance is on the whole situation. My meeting with them is in early July.
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