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  1. S

    Gezonde Darmflora Review of two Gezonde Darmflora donors--one good and one bad. DF3 and DF7.

    Firstly--so Gezonde Darmflora (who I will call GD from now on) went through a period earlier this winter of not accepting orders from the US due to customs issues--thankfully neither of my orders had this problem although other orders in the same time frame did. Now they have solved this problem...
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    Causation Very interesting paper about metabolic roles in the gut microbiome (August 2024, preprint only, human) A widespread hydrogenase drives fermentative growth of gut bacteria in healthy people

    I was excited to see this paper a little under a month ago, as it confirms some things I've been using as a working assumption for a long time, yet never actually seen any empirical evidence for. The paper is only a preprint (i.e., an article that hasn't made it into an actual journal yet) now...
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    Sources Comparing commercial FMT providers

    "Other people make brief comments here and there"--that gives no basis to evaluate the overall success rate of any provider. What you really need is to look for people who have tried more than one provider. Clearly there are people for whom finding the right provider and/or donor is MUCH harder...
  4. S

    Human Microbes Trial of glycerol-preserved UT-AW-1998 (Human Microbes) for gut pain, food intolerances, and cognitive/neuropsychiatric symptoms

    This is a follow-up to this experience, which I previously promised togive once more time had passed since the FMT. I'm posting as a separate thread because they may just as well have been different donors/sources, given the difference in effects. Both were only partial successes however. The...
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    Human Microbes Partial success with UT-AW-1998 for gut pain, food intolerances, and cognitive/mood symptoms (PANS-like)

    First I will give a brief overview of where I was health-wise both prior to this FMT, and very briefly where I was prior to my OpenBiome FMT in 2015, with which this experience will be compared (since it's my only other FMT, hence my only reference point as to how successful this one was). You...
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    Enhancing Has anyone tried both capsules with AND without antifreeze from the same donor?

    If so, did you notice any difference in the effects/benefits you got from each?
  7. S

    Enhancing Antifreeze in stool/FMT capsules, glycerol vs maltodextrin, -80 (medical freezer) vs -20 (home freezer)

    I was reading through the published information on how OpenBiome processes their stool samples into FMT preparations. They state that the stool is dissolved in a glycerol/saline solution, consisting of 12.5% glycerol in 0.9% NaCl, before storing in a -80C freezer...
  8. S

    Sources Anyone here had a dramatic success with a FMT from OpenBiome, then struggled to get back to that level?

    My first experience was through a FMT performed by my gastroenterologist, with bacteria suspension from OpenBiome, to treat C. diff. Not only did it get rid of that, it was a huge game changer in other areas of my health as well. You can read my full experience report at the following link, I...
  9. S

    Sources Is OpenBiome doing something unique (at least as compared to other stool banks or clinics, if not as compared to HMorg)?

    This is inspired by an experience archived last year by someone who tried OpenBiome, Taymount, NewBerry, and the "MG" donor who used to be around. I'm not putting this in the experiences section because this is not about his/her, or my, experience (those who want to read MY experience with...
  10. S

    Enhancing Capsules from -- what type? Delayed release, enteric coated.

    I noticed in some of the experience threads (e.g. the one on SD_ES_2015) that people mention the difference between immediate release and delayed release capsules. I'm imagining that by "delayed release" they mean "enteric coated", which withstand stomach acid and open in the small intestine...
  11. S

    High opportunistic bacteria on HMorg donors' GI-MAP tests--is this "normal" for this test?

    I was just looking at information on a HMorg donor (UT-AW-1998) and happened to look at the GI-MAP test. I was disappointed to see multiple high potentially inflammatory/dysbiotic bacteria--particularly Pseudomonas (including aeruginosa, though as a minority) and Staphylococcus aureus. The...
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    Sources recipient IDs

    I was looking at the spreadsheet of currently active donors and noticed what seems to be a shortcoming regarding the recipient IDs. Aside from Michael Harrop's own reports, none of the recipients seem repeated across different donors. Clearly not every recipient tried every donor, but I'd expect...
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    OpenBiome Temporary success with OpenBiome in 2015 for post-Lyme and neuropsychiatric symptoms

    I took antibiotics intermittently in 2002 and continuously 2003 through 2007 for Lyme disease, which had been diagnosed in 2002 by my pediatrician using the standard ELISA/western blot protocol. I had significant peripheral neuropathy, mainly in the form of non-painful numbness, that was not...