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  1. O

    Early life antibiotics and gut microbiome

    I was born prematurely and received two courses of antibiotics for pneumonia Can antibiotics in esrly life harm the microbiome in any way? If yes, what moght be the consequences?
  2. O

    Gut microbiome and personality

    Has gut microbiome been linked to personality? In particular, I have a strongly unbalanced personality with very high Neuroticism and very low Extraversion... I wonder if getting an FMT from someone with a favorable Personality profile might reverse those tendencies? I'd like to turn into a...
  3. O

    Gut microbiome and intelligence

    While searching the internet I came across one study. The study claims a link between gut bacteria and cognitive performance. Now, does it mean that by changing our gut microbiome we could potentially raise our IQ?