Michael Harrop
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  • Hi i have couple of question if u dont mind answering i would really appreciate it:)

    How does bile affect stool form? I ask because i have tyoe 1 and 2 no matter what, the only thing that helps are a lot of mg or other laxatives but im aware thats just a bandaid

    Are there any known mechanism by which large intestine fmt can influence small intestinal microbiome?

    I read posts about mucosal microbiome being a problem, how to aproach this issue in ur opinion?

    How are obligate anaerobes preserved in fmt?
    How does pricing work for untested donors (which I see some people have tried)? Do they charge less than fully activated donors, given the greater risk involved? Is it possible that if people agree to pay to have a donor tested, that then the cost of orders is reduced for them given their commitment to support the activation of the donor?
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    Reactions: Eadecuyper43
    Michael Harrop
    Michael Harrop
    Pricing is not related to whether a donor has gone through the blood & stool testing. That would encourage people to take more risks which is not a good idea.
    Two quite specific questions about HMorg specifically (feel free to move to forum if there's a better place for it):
    1) How does the shipping cost compare to the cost of capsules/stool? In other words, how many capsules worth of money can be saved for each extra shipment that is eliminated by combining it with another (provided all shipments are from the same donor, such that combining is even possible)?

    2) Any information on diet of donors? I have a dairy allergy and if I recall correctly, OpenBiome donors eat a hypo-allergenic diet prior to donation. My allergy isn't life threatening or anything so it's not so much a safety issue, but still, exposure to dairy and foods I'm sensitive to causes flares--so first if there are two roughly equivalent donors but one eats large amounts of foods I'm sensitive to, it might be wise to avoid that donor, and secondly, even if exposure is unavoidable it's good to know so that I can better separate food reactions (which are likely to be short term) from microbiome effects (which are likely to be more persistent).
    Michael, hi! I have some viable information and experience with donors and administering FMT’s. My husband and I traveled to Australia to meet with Prof. Borody, he taught me everything I needed to know and together we cured my husband of his ulcerative colitis. The donor does not have to be super, perhaps more FMT’s are required to achieve the end result. It works, like manure works to fertilize!
    Michael Harrop
    Michael Harrop
    Yes, that is covered in the wiki https://humanmicrobiome.info/fmt/#procedure. It's true that people can benefit from low-quality donors, but it's a matter of risk vs reward, and percentages. How many other people would benefit from that donor? How many would be harmed? That is what I try to figure out. Even with seemingly-great donors, people can still be harmed.
    What phage supplement do you take? I'm looking at adding them to my regiment after reading several articles linked on this site.
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