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  1. Michael Harrop

    Outcomes Increased malabsorption after FMT? (H2S Dysbiosis/SIBO)

    These types of reports are extremely common and virtually always attributable to a low-quality donor. Your reasoning of why you think it may be contamination is not clear to me. Was your fresh FMT via capsules or upper-route? Or lower-route only? It's possible that the adverse side effects are...
  2. Michael Harrop

    Outcomes Increased malabsorption after FMT? (H2S Dysbiosis/SIBO)

    It's a bad donor. Some people get lucky and don't get worse from bad donors. The only solution is to use a better donor. But that's not currently available. You'll have to get involved and spread the word on social media to encourage others to get involved as well. You need to post a detailed...
  3. Michael Harrop

    FMT Fecal Microbiota Transplantation, a tool to transfer healthy longevity (Review, Nov 2024)
  4. Michael Harrop

    Review Microplastics and human health: unveiling the gut microbiome disruption and chronic disease risks (Review, Nov 2024)
  5. Michael Harrop

    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    I don't think it's the best idea to make what is essentially a duplicate, and looks similar to spam. I think commenting in the first thread and sharing it on social media encouraging other people to vote, is the better tactic. AU's regulations are not good at all BTW. The TGA went against much...
  6. Michael Harrop

    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    As is, this project has been all-inclusive. When going the clinical trial route we'd have to pick one condition per trial. It really depends on how the clinical trial comes to be. Using your autism example, if the remaining people wanting to get into the ASU trial want to start up a new...
  7. Michael Harrop

    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    A general update: I visited my California legislators' offices. One of the healthcare staffers told me they're so busy that despite my contacting them in August they won't even have the chance to discuss my issue with their boss until mid-December. My other CA legislator has also not...
  8. Michael Harrop

    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    I just made a post on the "Policies for the People" website: Please vote and share.
  9. Michael Harrop

    Procedure Biofilm presence in cecum; oral or enema route for FMT

    I think this information still applies:
  10. Michael Harrop

    Article Heat, air pollution, disease: How climate change affects health
  11. Michael Harrop

    Article Scientists issue call to action underlining importance of microbial solutions to tackle climate crisis (Nov 2024) Microbial solutions must be deployed against climate catastrophe
  12. Michael Harrop

    FMT Preliminary results from a multicenter, randomized trial using fecal microbial transplantation to induce remission in patients with mild to moderate Crohn’s disease (Nov 2024, n=34) "FMT was not effective ",_randomized.1438.aspx Appears to be standard poor donor quality criteria.
  13. Michael Harrop

    Other Oral exposure to high concentrations of polystyrene microplastics alters the intestinal environment and metabolic outcomes in mice (Nov 2024)
  14. Michael Harrop

    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I'm in DC. There's no parking around the Capitol so you have to take the subway. This means I have to carry a backpack and something to sit on, and there's lots of walking. In my poor health condition this is way too much to do every day. My body is weak and I was in a lot of pain at the end...
  15. Michael Harrop

    Donors What are most common reasons person is not fit for being a donor if stool tests are not really reliable?

    You can use the "Donors" prefix to read through previous similar discussions: It is also covered in the wiki: And the blog discussions...
  16. Michael Harrop

    Small intestine/upper GI Critical appraisal of the SIBO hypothesis and breath testing: A clinical practice update endorsed by the European society of neurogastroenterology and motility (ESNM) and the American neurogastroenterology and motility society (ANMS) (May 2024)

    That is what the evidence indicates. As noted in this overview:
  17. Michael Harrop

    Sources Searching FMT capsules for shipping to Germany

    You're welcome to present your evidence and arguments here: I wouldn't bother following someone who's been so wrong for so long.
  18. Michael Harrop

    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    Someone sent me this: RFK Jr just started ‘Policies for the People’. It is a direct line to Team Trump where Americans can go and propose certain policies that they think would be beneficial to the American people and then Americans get to vote on it...
  19. Michael Harrop

    Enhancing FMT stool cut with prebiotics/probiotics? Boost FMT by taking it with prebiotics?

    If you mean exposing the stool to sunlight, as far as I know, air and light will kill off useful microbes.
  20. Michael Harrop

    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    Relevant info about RFK and Trump:
  21. Michael Harrop

    Enhancing FMT stool cut with prebiotics/probiotics? Boost FMT by taking it with prebiotics?

    I have tried to take various prebiotics with FMT in an attempt to boost it and it did not work. Prebiotics that were harmful to me beforehand were also harmful when taken with the FMT. It appears that you need a good enough donor who is able to transfer the microbes required to process the...
  22. Michael Harrop

    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    In this video on RFK's YT channel, Nicole Shanahan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate, says he's the only candidate that is serious about chronic disease, and she is too and that's why she supports him. I was very heartened to hear this, and then...
  23. Michael Harrop

    FVT Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have been cultivating "good viruses" from feces (Jul 2024) Reproducible chemostat cultures to minimize eukaryotic viruses from fecal transplant material
  24. Michael Harrop

    We’re Missing the Big Picture on the HMB

    I don't think there is currently any such thing as "resetting the microbiome". Also, nothing comes close to FMT in regards to "improving or altering the microbiome".
  25. Michael Harrop

    Video Is SIBO real? SIBO vs dysbiosis? Debunking the SIBO hypothesis | Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
  26. Michael Harrop

    Search "how to use a xenforo forum"

    Search "how to use a xenforo forum"
  27. Michael Harrop

    Donors Thoughts on HumanMicrobes donor problem

    This is not correct. I'd encourage anyone interested to review the related blog before speculating: One of my primary criteria is meant to weed out people who "simply haven't manifested issues yet". I do...
  28. Michael Harrop

    Study Higher body mass index is associated with smaller brain volume (Mar 2024, n=1,074) Association between Body Mass Index and Brain Health in Adults: A 16-Year Population-Based Cohort and Mendelian Randomization Study
  29. Michael Harrop

    Small intestine/upper GI Critical appraisal of the SIBO hypothesis and breath testing: A clinical practice update endorsed by the European society of neurogastroenterology and motility (ESNM) and the American neurogastroenterology and motility society (ANMS) (May 2024)

    One of the authors is a GI at the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic just published an article covering the review: An updated appraisal of the SIBO hypothesis and the limits of breath testing...
  30. Michael Harrop

    Article Throw Out Your Black Plastic Spatula. It’s probably leaching chemicals into your cooking oil. (Oct 2024)
  31. Michael Harrop

    Video Why Red 3 is still in your candy | Vox
  32. Michael Harrop

    FMT Fecal microbiota transplantation against moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: A randomized, double-blind controlled explorer trial (Oct 2024, n=) Closed access Chinese study, and the abstract doesn't say how many patients or give many details. Take this with a grain of salt.