Taymount Clinic fraudulent exploitation (2018) Taymount 

Taymount Clinic


Jul 13, 2023

I am a doctor based in UK with a research interest in FMT. I am shocked that Taymount is selling FMT for conditions there has been absolutely no research done for including food allergies, chronic fatigue, coeliac disease etc. There is no evidence to recommend FMT for anything other than Cdiff at this stage but a lot of research is in progress to understand its efficacy in IBD, IBS and liver disease. Taymount on the other hand have been exploiting patients such as those in this forum to make money. The are a back street unregulated clinic with dodgy preparation and storage conditions. You are potentially putting your health at serious risk of infection and future illnesses. This clinic needs to be and will be shut down in the UK. FMT is now regulated as a medicine by MHRA and is only licensed to be used for Cdiff in a hospital. Anything else has be done in an MHRA approved facility as part of a research setting. Taymount is neither. They do not take any responsibility if something goes wrong with you by making you sign disclaimers. They promise to 'restore your gut microbiota' however the very fact that they don't know what your baseline gut microbiota is at the start of your treatment and at the end says that this is nonsense. I would not waste your money and put your health at risk with this quackery. If you are a patient and want to get in touch with me about your experience at Taymount, I would be delighted to speak to you. If you are a patient interested in having FMT for a medical condition I can also put you in touch with relevant research groups in the country running clinical trials.


Original 16 Nov 2018 (3 comments).
Original 16 Nov 2018 (29 comments).
FMT Clinics
  1. I included all required info
My comment:
There is no evidence to recommend FMT for anything other than Cdiff at this stage

Disagree. You'd need to significantly re-word that statement. I would refer you to: https://humanmicrobiome.info/intro/

Regarding shutting them down, I think you should refocus your efforts on requiring greater transparency on their part. See:

* https://forum.humanmicrobiome.info/threads/my-detailed-experiences-lessons-from-13-different-fmt-donors-jun-2018.53/

* https://forum.humanmicrobiome.info/threads/analysis-of-openbiomes-safety-and-efficacy-aug-2018.55/

* https://forum.humanmicrobiome.info/threads/my-letters-to-the-fda-and-nih-sharing-these-both-for-the-info-and-as-a.56/

* And the "FMT clinics" section here: https://humanmicrobiome.info/fmt/

Regarding them not taking responsibility when something goes wrong, isn't this the norm for medicine? I was severely harmed by an antibiotic yet there was nothing done about it.

If you are a patient interested in having FMT for a medical condition I can also put you in touch with relevant research groups in the country running clinical trials

Regarding clinical trials, I wouldn't participate nor recommend others participate due to severe deficiencies in donor quality/criteria. This applies to all official sources of FMT, including Taymount and clinical trials. See previous links & https://forum.humanmicrobiome.info/threads/another-email-ive-been-sending-to-researchers-regarding-donor-quality.57/