Review of two Gezonde Darmflora donors--one good and one bad. DF3 and DF7. Gezonde Darmflora 

Founded by Marco Kleijn, Netherlands


Apr 23, 2024
Firstly--so Gezonde Darmflora (who I will call GD from now on) went through a period earlier this winter of not accepting orders from the US due to customs issues--thankfully neither of my orders had this problem although other orders in the same time frame did. Now they have solved this problem and are shipping to the US again in addition to throughout Europe.

GD does some things VERY well, that show great care and professionalism. They repeat stool tests for pathogens for all their donors monthly, and hold all FMTs until the donors clear their subsequent test, thus "bracketing" the time of donation. If the donors fail, their FMTs are destroyed until the donors test twice negative again. This is not just theoretical--both of the donors I used had actually recently failed a test, and though there was still old stock from several months ago available to fulfill my order, I faced the real possibility that if I were to need a second order they might be out for an indeterminate amount of time. The reason for failure was minor--antibiotic resistance genes rather than an actual pathogen--but they still take this seriously. They also keep ALL FMTs at -80C from donation to shipment, it's never kept in a regular freezer. This means that for some of their donors who live abroad (like both the ones I ordered), GD actually pays for them to buy a laboratory grade freezer for their homes! They are truly dedicated in a way that I haven't seen with other providers.

Also, while they do not publicly post results, the owner of GD passes on all customer feedback on FMTs (which he does encourage recipients to provide) directly to the donors, whom he interacts with personally.

Conditions: Gut pain with trapped gas/bloating, neuropsychiatric issues with ADHD-like brain fog, depression, anxiety, agitation
Donors: DF3 and DF7 ( These are from the same family, sister and brother (16 yo and 14 yo) respectively, so actually surprising they were so dramatically different.
Route: Capsules and enema

So, a woman on Facebook reported dramatic, almost instant success with an enema from DF3, and a male patient reported a decent amount of success with trying both donors via both routes (he wasn't forthcoming about which donor or route did what, becoming rather ticked off when I pressed for more details). So I decided to test both of them, ordering a set of 24 capsules divided in half between the two donors (unlike HM, GD is OK with this kind of order. In fact, while at the time you had to specially ask via email, now there's even an official way on the website to request a split order such as this when adding to your shopping cart).

I tried DF7 (the male) first, as I thought it might be more different from the donor I'd already tried (UT-AW-1998 from HM--not counting my OpenBiome donor as his/her demographics is a complete unknown). I immediately noticed a calming, "grounding" effect, somewhat along the lines of what I'd gotten with UT-AW-1998 the second time WITH glycerol (GD ALWAYS freezes with glycerol--they do NOT allow requesting without). Unlike with UT-AW-1998, this effect continued to grow in intensity as I took more capsules, to where I felt a definite inner warmth and peace that I hadn't felt in years.

I DID notice, however, that like with the HM donor, if I took 4 or more capsules in one day, I got rather severe stomach upset with nausea and pain. It seems this is "par for the course" for me with capsules and not specific to any particular donor.

I switched to DF3 approximately one week after starting with DF7, purposely saving some DF7 in case DF3 turned out to be worse and I needed to re-treat (which ended up happening--see below), rather than using it all up.

Despite being still a bit groggy after getting up from bed on the morning I started DF3, within 5-15 minutes of taking the first two DF3 capsules, I was bolt awake and felt belligerent and 'short-fused', like I was ready to snap at almost anything. That night I still felt somewhat overstimulated, although I didn't have nearly the same insomnia as I'd had with UT-AW-1998 the first time without glycerol. Underneath it all there was some sort of feeling of being "more alive" but it was completely ruined by the prominent agitation. With UT-AW-1998, the neurological flaring was gone by the second dose, but when I took just a single additional DF3 capsule several days later, that night I had unusually vivid dreams of a vaguely dark quality. This was the exact opposite sort of effect from what I was looking for and needed, so I abandoned the DF3 capsules.

I did try opening some of them and using them rectally, and in doing so, I noticed that the liquid inside positively reeked, like a mixture of rotten cabbage and barnyard, despite the small amount. My own stool is not nearly this foul unless I have diarrhea or some other disruption to my gut. After noticing this, to be honest I wasn't too surprised that I hadn't done well with them.

I finished the remaining DF7 and ended up better than before trying EITHER donor, but behind where I was directly before starting DF3. I soon thereafter got COVID-19 (unrelated to the FMT--a family member brought it home from a vacation), which may have in part put an early end to the gains. However, a little over a month later, I had a week where I was unusually focused, even-tempered, and productive at work. Seeing as this was the same timeframe as when the improvement from my OpenBiome FMT caught a "second wind", it's possible this was a delayed benefit from the capsules.

Not too long thereafter I put in a second order, this time restricting to DF7 and dividing between capsules and an enema syringe. I used the syringe first, following with saline and tilting myself to ensure that it flowed through the whole colon (instructions here Despite using a much larger amount in one dose than with capsules, I had only minor, very bearable stomach sickness a few hours later (the fact that I had ANY upper belly symptoms reassured me that the bacteria didn't just all stay down in the rectum). This stool had quite a strong odor as well but in a very different way--I would label it as "vomit-like"--and not AS strong as DF3, especially considering the much larger volume. The effect was somewhat more pronounced than with the capsules only, and continued to develop as I took the capsules.

In the process of using said capsules, I noticed something--namely that I got better results if they were moved to a regular freezer 24-48 hours before taking. I had been keeping all capsules (and the syringe) on dry ice after receiving them, like GD recommends. But it does seem like gradual warming to room temperature is better than sudden. Interestingly, AFTER noticing this I happened to come across an old instruction sheet that OpenBiome used to include for doctors with their FMT shipments, which asked for slow thawing of the FMT on ice for 4 hours (GD's instructions ask for rapid thawing of enemas in 37C water for 20 min, and taking capsules directly off dry ice without thawing at all). I had the idea for this test when I noticed that the remaining DF3 capsules from the earlier order became less intensely foul smelling after sitting in the regular freezer for a few days, after I gave up on using them. I was NOT able to test this with the syringe as I'd already used it all.

The benefits have continued to develop ever since--I'm more than 2 months in and it feels like there are still gradual gains being made. I certainly did NOT have the immediate, drastic gains that I had the day of my OpenBiome FMT, and even after two months since this new FMT, I'm at best close to where I was immediately after that treatment. So, only time will tell if I eventually get as far, but it's very clear that if I do it will take much longer.

So in summary, GD DF3 gets a major "flag" for me for being WAY too "activating" in a neuropsychiatric sense--I'd urge great caution for anyone with bipolar, ADHD, ASD, or any sort of psychotic tendencies if trying this donor. Be on the lookout and be ready with a "rescue" donor if necessary. However, GD has told me I'm the only one to report trouble from DF3 so far. By contrast, DF7 has none of these risks--the only caution I'd advise is to try enema if capsules upset your stomach--which as I said seems to be a universal issue with capsules and can't be blamed on this particular donor.

All in all, the order from best to worst is OpenBiome endoscopy >> GD DF7 syringe > GD DF7 capsules > UT-AW-1998 (w/glycerol) capsules >> UT-AW-1998 (w/o glycerol) capsules (> or >>) GD DF3 capsules. The ">>" is an especially pronounced change--OpenBiome is in a class of its own, the UT-AW-1998 had no mood- and gut-stabilizing effect at all without glycerol, and DF3 is the only one so far that made me WORSE, although DF7 w/o glycerol caused a temporary flare at the beginning, and who knows, maybe DF3 would still have helped me slightly had I tried it as my first FMT, when there was no progress to "undo".
FMT Clinics
  1. I included all required info
he wasn't forthcoming about which donor or route did what, becoming rather ticked off when I pressed for more details
Why do you suppose that is?

From what I've seen, there are a ton of very sketchy people on the Facebook groups, so I'd be inclined to conclude that their claim/experience was not legitimate.

Even more so due to how the woman advertising GD has behaved.

the fact that I had ANY upper belly symptoms reassured me that the bacteria didn't just all stay down in the rectum
That's not a valid conclusion. There is signaling throughout the entire gut ecosystem and the whole body. I listed this in my 2018 lessons.

it does seem like gradual warming to room temperature is better than sudden
The studies I've seen conclude that fast thaw preserves more bacteria. You can search the FMT page for "thaw"

Perhaps your experience has to do with the 3rd study here:
Fresh Versus Frozen Stool for Fecal Microbiota Transplantation—Assessment by Multimethod Approach Combining Culturing, Flow Cytometry, and Next-Generation Sequencing (Jul 2022) "unknown fraction becoming the dominant one, with an average contribution of 57.47% per sample. It will be very interesting to uncover what this unknown fraction is (e.g., bacterial spores), as this may change our conclusions (if these are spores, the viability could be even higher after freezing). Our results clearly show that whole stool freezing without any cryoprotectants has a great impact on the cultivability and biodiversity of the bacterial community, and possibly also on the viability of bacterial cells."
Why do you suppose that is?

From what I've seen, there are a ton of very sketchy people on the Facebook groups, so I'd be inclined to conclude that their claim/experience was not legitimate.

Even more so due to how the woman advertising GD has behaved.
It was the man, not the woman, who was evasive. The woman was very forthcoming about exactly how she had done her FMTs and what her experience was. She however ONLY used DF3, which was the donor who made me worse. The man had used both.
The studies I've seen conclude that fast thaw preserves more bacteria. You can search the FMT page for "thaw"

Perhaps your experience has to do with the 3rd study here:
This third study is about frozen FMT vs. FMT that has NEVER been frozen. ALL FMTs from GD are ALWAYS frozen at -80C for AT LEAST a month, as they hold donated material until a donor clears the post-test. So this isn't relevant here.

I looked at your links on the FMT page. I was interested to see that in the paper that addresses fast vs. slow thaw, there is actually a heat map of which species changed in what direction at 4C vs. 37C. It will be interesting to try and cross-correlate those with the bacteria that express the different hydrogenases from the other paper I recently posted (

The effect of taking samples directly from dry ice vs. transferring to -20C for an intermediate step resemble what I would expect if the more abruptly warmed samples were overly heavy on rapid fermenters. I had the hypothesis that possibly the intermediate step at -20C somehow better preserved nonfermenting/metabolically flexible bacteria (or else suppressed the strict fermenters, which are known to be in excess in stool relative to mucosa to begin with--see the other paper). However, I could only propose this as pure speculation as I had no data on which bacteria actually benefit from one thawing protocol vs. another.

The paper you linked is not perfect in that what I did wasn't exactly "slow thawing", as the capsules were still frozen at -20C. They just didn't have to "jump" from -80C to +37C in a manner of minutes. And true slow thawing likely wouldn't even work with capsules as the capsules would dissolve in the process. It will have to wait until I get another syringe (if I in fact need more FMT down the road) to try actual slow thawing. Also, the paper you linked is about freeze-drying and therefore doesn't include glycerol (which interferes with freeze-drying), only maltodextrin, trehalose, and NaCl. This could potentially have a significant effect since both maltodextrin and trehalose are significantly more fermentable carbon sources than glycerol.

It was also interesting to see that you mentioned that the successful El-Salhy study used slow thawing as well. So if you add that to my experience with OpenBiome, that's more evidence that possibly for IBS it works better, at least for a subset of patients.
It was the man, not the woman, who was evasive.
Yes, I understood that. I was referring to my observations and interactions with the woman.

This third study
So this isn't relevant here
It's relevant in that subjecting bacteria to low temperatures does damage to them, and there are various ways of trying to mitigate that damage. That quote from the study indicates that at least some of the "damage" might not actually be damage, but may in fact boost some of the bacteria.

So storing the stool in a -20c freezer could have some benefits over -80c if their implication is correct.

Also, the paper you linked is about freeze-drying and therefore doesn't include glycerol
There is more than one study on the FMT page that covers thawing speed. There are likely even more that I haven't added to the page.
Yes, I understood that. I was referring to my observations and interactions with the woman.
Firstly, how do you know it's even the same woman we are talking about?

Secondly, much of my interaction with her was in private messages, it was not public. Not to say that what she said publicly was in any way lacking in transparency either mind you--just that if she didn't spell everything out there, it isn't an indication that she wasn't willing to share things if asked.

And as I understand it, you have been banned multiple times for breaking rules on the forum where she posted and harassing other posters. I would NOT take your experience with her as representative in any way. Given your history there, and the obviously very biased tone you have toward GD, I'd consider yourself lucky if she even responded to your questions at all.
Can u tell us more about ur issues beforehand and what negits u saw after doing fmt?
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Sure EvaJak.

These FMTs were the latest in a series that I started last May, so you may want to read my previous review of HM (in which I also compare and contrast that with OpenBiome). But briefly, this whole thing started with a sort of stretching pain in my middle back and a visibly swollen belly a few hours after eating any sort of meal (though worst after certain meats and particularly severely after alcohol) and a sort of brain fog where I felt perpetually detached from my surroundings. I also was prone to anxiety and insomnia. I had sensitivities to gluten, legumes, most fish except salmon, any kind of sweets, and as I mentioned alcohol, in that they made the above worse for several days after having them.

After my HM FMTs, the pain was no longer occurring after meals unless I ate something like legumes, and the anxiety level was significantly lower. My mood was also generally better but that detached feeling was still there.

After DF7 from GD, I felt calm and more "centered", and was less prone to having my brain function "tank" after eating in general. This possibly sounds minor but it was significant--I could effectively "glimpse what it would be like to feel normal again"--though not nearly as significant as after my OpenBiome FMT, when I felt like a huge weight was immediately lifted from my shoulders. When I switched to DF3, as I mentioned, I became irritable at the drop of a hat, overstimulated, and volatile, with unusually vivid dreams, and some of the gut pain came back. I've since treated more with DF7 and gone back but I'm still not cured.
Firstly, how do you know it's even the same woman we are talking about?
There is one woman who has been heavily advertising them across many websites.

And as I understand it, you have been banned multiple times for breaking rules on the forum where she posted and harassing other posters. I would NOT take your experience with her as representative in any way. Given your history there, and the obviously very biased tone you have toward GD, I'd consider yourself lucky if she even responded to your questions at all.
This is what the group has been telling people. So you're either being duped by them or you're a part of it. Given your last sentence, and your antagonistic, dishonest behavior on this website over the past months, it seems quite possible it's the latter.

Your comment is also yet another violation of Rule 5, which you violate with such great frequency that you appear to be trolling.

Please point to where I've been "obviously very biased toward GD".

And this: "I'd consider yourself lucky if she even responded to your questions at all" is not what the interaction was. So you're making things up in order to attack me, which you also do regularly.
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