New study reveals that mussels, oysters and other sealife contains an excess amount of fiberglass (Jul 2024) Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) boats and the impact on coastal environment – Evidence of fibreglass ingestion by marine bivalves from natural populations Study 

Michael Harrop

Active member
Jul 6, 2023

"fiberglass is a reinforced plastic material embedded with extremely fine fibers of glass."

"We identified fiberglass embedded in other organic material floating in the water, like seagrass and seaweed fragments, small snails etc."


  • Potential threat of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) boats to marine environment.
  • GRP debris found in oysters & mussels near boatyard on south England coast.
  • Filter-feeding bivalves at risk due to particle accumulation.
  • Higher levels in winter when boat maintenance increases.
  • First study of widespread GRP contamination in bivalves.


Classified as marine debris, man made materials are polluting the world’s oceans. Recently, glass reinforced plastic (GRP) has been shown to degrade and contaminate the coasts. In this pioneering study, fibreglass particles have been detected in the soft parts of oysters and mussels collected from natural populations, in front of an active boatyard. The presence of particulate glass, with concentrations up to 11,220 particles/kg ww in Ostrea edulis and 2740 particles/kg ww in Mytilus edulis, was confirmed by micro Raman spectroscopy. The results showed higher accumulation during the winter months, when boat maintenance activities are peaking and, through repair work, the release of glass fibres in the environment is more likely. Bivalves are considered high risk species due to their sessile nature and extensive filter feeding behaviour.

The microparticle inclusion may contribute to adverse impacts on physiological processes and eventually to a decline in the overall health and subsequent death of the animal. The high costs involved in the proper GRP disposal and the lack of recycling facilities worldwide lead to boat abandonement and further contamination of the coasts.

For the first time this study presents the extensive fibreglass contamination of natural bivalve populations, in a popular South England sailing harbour, designated a biological and geological site of specific scientific interest (SSRI).

Graphical Abstract​

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