Bacterial ‘flipping’ allows genes to encode multiple versions of themselves and assume different forms, altering a core understanding of genetics (Sep 2024) Intragenic DNA inversions expand bacterial coding capacity Genetics 

Michael Harrop

Active member
Jul 6, 2023

A study led by scientists at Stanford Medicine has shown that inversions, which cause a physical flip of a segment of DNA and change an organism’s genetic identity, can occur within a single gene, challenging a central dogma of biology — that one gene can code for only one protein.

In the same way that reversing the order of the letters in the word “dog” could entirely change the meaning of a sentence (“I’m a dog.” versus “I’m a god.”), the within-gene inversion essentially recodes the bacterium’s genetics using the same material. That could result in the activation of a gene, a halt in gene activity or a sequence that codes for the creation of a different protein when inverted.

One big question remains: What causes an inversion? The team suspects there are specific enzymes that mediate the flip, as well as certain environmental cues that drive the change.


Bacterial populations that originate from a single bacterium are not strictly clonal and often contain subgroups with distinct phenotypes. Bacteria can generate heterogeneity through phase variation—a preprogrammed, reversible mechanism that alters gene expression levels across a population. One well-studied type of phase variation involves enzyme-mediated inversion of specific regions of genomic DNA. Frequently, these DNA inversions flip the orientation of promoters, turning transcription of adjacent coding regions on or off. Through this mechanism, inversion can affect fitness, survival or group dynamics.

Here, we describe the development of PhaVa, a computational tool that identifies DNA inversions using long-read datasets. We also identify 372 ‘intragenic invertons’, a novel class of DNA inversions found entirely within genes, in genomes of bacterial and archaeal isolates. Intragenic invertons allow a gene to encode two or more versions of a protein by flipping a DNA sequence within the coding region, thereby increasing coding capacity without increasing genome size. We validate ten intragenic invertons in the gut commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, and experimentally characterize an intragenic inverton in the thiamine biosynthesis gene thiC.
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