Antibiotic exposure is associated with minimal gut microbiome perturbations in healthy term infants (Jan 2025, n=323) Predominantly amoxicillin. Short and long-term perturbations were detectable but substantially smaller than those associated with breastfeeding and infant age Antibiotics 

Michael Harrop

Active member
Jul 6, 2023



The evolving infant gut microbiome influences host immune development and later health outcomes. Early antibiotic exposure could impact microbiome development and contribute to poor outcomes. Here, we use a prospective longitudinal birth cohort of n = 323 healthy term African American children to determine the association between antibiotic exposure and the gut microbiome through shotgun metagenomics sequencing as well as bile acid profiles through liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.


Stool samples were collected at ages 4, 12, and 24 months for antibiotic-exposed (n = 170) and unexposed (n = 153) participants. A short-term substudy (n = 39) collected stool samples at first exposure, and over 3 weeks following antibiotics initiation. Antibiotic exposure (predominantly amoxicillin) was associated with minimal microbiome differences, whereas all tested taxa were modified by breastfeeding. In the short-term substudy, we observed microbiome differences only in the first 2 weeks following antibiotics initiation, mainly a decrease in Bifidobacterium bifidum. The differences did not persist a month after antibiotic exposure. Four species were associated with infant age. Antibiotic exposure was not associated with an increase in antibiotic resistance gene abundance or with differences in microbiome-derived fecal bile acid composition.


Short-term and long-term gut microbiome perturbations by antibiotic exposure were detectable but substantially smaller than those associated with breastfeeding and infant age.
Amoxicillin was the most commonly prescribed antibiotic in our cohort. Amoxicillin is a narrow-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic frequently used to treat common childhood infections, including otitis media [34]. Although prior infant microbiome studies have included subjects with amoxicillin exposure [14, 20], in most cases, antibiotic types were combined for analysis [8, 16] or the subjects encountered amoxicillin in combination with other antibiotics [13, 15, 19]. All prior studies that specifically examined amoxicillin’s association with the microbiome in infants observed a decreased relative abundance of Bifidobacterium. However, the studies differed in taxa that were observed to increase in relative abundance: several studies indicated that Enterobacteriaceae increased [14,15,16], while others reported increased relative abundance of Enterococcus [13, 19]. The results of our taxonomic analysis are consistent with the identification of Bifidobacterium, particularly B. bifidum, as a species that is decreased in association with amoxicillin use in infants.
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