
  1. Z

    Human Microbes Extreme Success From SD_ES_2015 For Severe Anxiety, Depression, and IBS

    Summary: Hi everyone. I hope this post helps as I have tried really everything possible and have had great success in treating depression and anxiety. I always experienced severe anxiety, depression, and IBS my whole life (I am 28 right now). The issues were magnified significantly after taking...
  2. Michael Harrop

    FMT Washed microbiota transplantation targeting both gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (Aug 2023, N=73) "Sleep quality, anxiety, depression, GI symptoms, and IBS severity significantly improved one month after WMT in all patients" "Washed microbiota transplantation" is a Chinese term for filtered stool used in FMT.