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    Enhancing Strategies To Increase The Effectiveness Of FMT

    Here are human studies on oxygen and the gut: Oxygen battle in the gut: Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors in metabolic and inflammatory responses in the intestine Human colon function ex vivo: Dependence on oxygen and sensitivity...
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    Donors Thoughts on HumanMicrobes donor problem

    Podcasters / MDs Here's a list of podcasters focusing on health, fitness and the microbiome: Rich Roll Simon Hill Ben Greenfield Thomas DeLauer Rhonda Patrick Andrew Huberman Here's a list of MDs actively researching the microbiome: Will Bulsiewicz Mark Hyman Robyn Chutkan I would be...
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    Donors Thoughts on HumanMicrobes donor problem

    Donors Here's a list of potential donors: Chefs Farmers (family owned e.g. Yoga studios CrossFit ( SEALFIT ( MMA (
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    Donors FMT Using Animal Feces; FMT from animals

    I tried doing research on humans using animal feces as an FMT and all I could find was anecdotal evidence of humans consuming camel feces: Have you looked into this?
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    Donors Thoughts on HumanMicrobes donor problem

    Amish I know you discussed this in another post but I want to present some additional data. I was watching a video with Raja Dhir and Ara Katz, the co-founders of Seed, talking about the Amish: (56:45 - 59:30) According to Raja, the Amish have a...
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    Enhancing Strategies To Increase The Effectiveness Of FMT

    Here's a blog post written by Lucy Mailing: Here's an animal model study she referenced: Kelly, C. J. et al. Crosstalk between Microbiota-Derived Short-Chain Fatty Acids and Intestinal Epithelial HIF Augments Tissue Barrier...
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    Donors Thoughts on HumanMicrobes donor problem

    A Superdonor In The US May Not Exist I was listening to a podcast with Will Bulsiewicz, MD and he cited a study saying that over 200 million prescriptions to Abx were made in the US: (11:16 - 12:05) I was reading an article on babies born...
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    Enhancing Strategies To Increase The Effectiveness Of FMT

    I've been doing a lot of research on FMT and one of the questions I ask myself is why is it effective for some people and not others. I was watching a video with Will Bulsiewicz, MD and he was talking about the difference in efficacy for acute vs. chronic conditions...