DIY FMT Beginner's Questions Procedure 


New member
Mar 24, 2025
Hey there folks
Some quick questions about the procedure:
1. My prospective donor was breastfed only for a few weeks. Should that be a deal braker? Or should I go on to the questionnaire?
2. For how long should I be taking the FMT? Until I feel some improvement? Or should I be micro dosing for life?...
3. Is there a recommended amount and frequency for the FMT?
Thanks Y'all!
Just to add something to 2:

In my case, improvement continues for at least a month if not longer after FMT. After my most successful FMT, there were a number of clear immediate (same day/week, this was an endoscopy procedure) changes, but the most dramatic changes happened right around the six week mark. My most recent FMT (enema, then capsules for a little over a week) was in the first half of December 2024, and up until early March at least there were still changes going on, I'm in fact still not absolutely sure if I've attained the full benefit even now.

Therefore, I encourage you to not waste lots of money and time continuously doing FMT one treatment after another. I would do as much as you can tolerate in a reasonably short time (1-2 weeks--this tolerability amount is drastically different person to person so I won't even venture a guess how big a dose this will be for you), then hold off. If you're WORSE than you were before treatment, it's highly unlikely you will ever improve, so I'd try a different donor ASAP in that case, but as long as the change was in the right direction, then I'd hold off for at least 2-3 months to see where you get, then possibly ask your donor to send more.
I've taken FMT (size 1 - - - triple encapsulated) daily for nearly 2 months. My dysbiosis, manifesting as tremendous gas on the stomach, nearly disappears. I've since left off and returned to a state of dysbiosis. Any advice?
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@krehorst More details would be useful but you can browse through previous discussions & experiences to understand why this is happening. Your options are:

1. Keep doing it.
2. Find a better donor.
3. Wait till there's a way to clear the existing microbiome.
@krehorst More details would be useful but you can browse through previous discussions & experiences to understand why this is happening. Your options are:

1. Keep doing it.
2. Find a better donor.
3. Wait till there's a way to clear the existing microbiome.
Thanks for your message. 10 years ago I took a 6-month regimen of antibiotics and have had dysbiosis ever since, manifesting as tremendous gas on the stomach. The 2-mo daily FMT has greatly helped but gas returned upon stopping. Have you heard of people doing FMT indefinitely? Wd you expand on your third point about clearing the microbiome? Thanks very much.
I think I'm reasonably comfortable with the procedure from the video. Thank you, Michael.

The wiki seems to state once a week and 60g. Am I correct in that?

If so, approximately how many 000 caps is 60g?

If you're adding the antifreeze in a 1:1 ratio, should you take twice as much when using previously frozen samples?

I don't know how I'd find a local donor. The stigma of asking around terrifies me. I have a healthy 2yo though that I think would be a safe test.