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My name is Nick, and today I discovered what FMT is. WOW that’s awesome! I just watched the YouTube video of “Your poop could save someone’s life” and I thought to myself, is it that easy? Could I possibly help someone? What if I needed this kind of help someday? What if my own poop now, could potentially save my own life later? Could I save someone’s in my family someday? And the list of questions just kept running through my head. So, what I’m asking is, how can I help? What do I need to do to see if I’m a suitable candidate to offer my feces? Definitely worth the ask if I could save a life or potentially my own someday.

I am a United States Army Aviation Ranger Veteran. A wife, mother and grandmother plus designer.

I recently took the online challenge for gut health to get rid of parasites from the body with the WILDCRAFTED JAMIACAN DUCK FLOWER.. WHEN I SAY NOT A DARN THING HAPPENED. Which this let me know that the natural home remedies of fruits and vegetables and spice and herbs are working to keep me healthy.

Most people that use the Wildcrafted Jamiacan Duck Flower end up having worms in their fecal matter. I had not a darn thing happened and I was on a BigO live trying to show people what was going on so they know what to expect. Mine was a complete flop. However, I am glad it did that just means I need to lose weight.
I’m New here, and curious to what is community has to offer. Or more over’ what I have to offer this community.
Full on warning⚠️
I believe that I am pretty funny, but others may think that my jokes are crap.
You have been warned
I’m new here and I’m very excited to find this exceptional resource for everything microbiome! Thank you!
I’m interested in your thoughts about using young, healthy, well-matched donors for microbiota transfer treatments from the rest of the body (besides stool) including: oral (separate multi-kingdom communities including biofilms from the oral cavity), vaginal, nasal, skin, and so forth. I know that vaginal microbiota transplants have been used successfully for bacterial vaginosis, but I can foresee a future where everything from tears and menstrual blood to volatile organic compounds from the lungs and more being used to save lives! Everything previously thought as simply waste products being used instead to reboot an older and/or weaker body. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to see healthy young people compensated for everything they would’ve ordinarily thrown away? Ideally one would find a few excellent “mini-me’s” that would be available for donations.
My other question is, looking for the best donor, why wouldn’t it be a good idea to find the best fit possible, for example, matching blood types, sex, and possibly key genetics such as the major histocompatibility genes? (In addition to the very best screening techniques for any pathogens.)
Also, although there may not be clinical trial results available yet for the perfect protocols, if one has major inflammation caused by a variety of pathogens, why wouldn’t we try eliminating the pathogens effectively first; such as using antibiotics, anti-fungals, anti-parasitics, antivirals and/or bacteriophages as needed, to eradicate the pathogens before the transplants?
I would love to hear what your thoughts are about these questions.
Michael Harrop
Michael Harrop
You commented on your own profile instead of making a new thread.

Most of your questions are also answered in existing threads.
I suspect that the microbiota most direly missing from my own intestinal tract are mostly facultative anaerobic small intestinal microbes (things like Actinomyces, Gemella, non-Copri strains of Prevotella, possibly Neisseria, etc.), NOT the kind of colonic anaerobes that are entirely focused on in nearly all studies of FMT (i.e. the clostridium clusters, Bacteroides, and purely fermentative actinobacteria like Bifidobacterium, Eggerthella, Collinsella, etc.). This is actually the single biggest methodological issue I have with the FMT studies to date.

These bacteria have much more in common with the oral microbiome than the fecal microbiome, hence I have a suspicion that oral microbiota capsules would work better than fecal ones. They would at least be much easier on the donor than trying to collect from the small intestine itself. You'd obviously need to do something to ensure good oral health, including the absence, or at least minimal presence, of proteolytic fermenters like Tannerella, Porphyromonas, Treponema etc., which I DON'T think you want to transmit. But using material sourced from higher up like this would eliminate the issue of large numbers of rectal bacteria being introduced into the upper GI tract and causing bloating, indigestion, "brain fog", and other similar symptoms that seem to be very common in oral FMT reports here and elsewhere.

If you're aware of anyone actually working to make this a reality, I'd be happy to hear about it and give it a try. I've been looking for something like this for a long time.