Industry, pharmaceutical, drug company influence on science [Collection of info] Study 

Michael Harrop

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2023
The Perils of Ignoring History: Big Tobacco Played Dirty and Millions Died. How Similar Is Big Food? (2009)

The disinformation playbook: how industry manipulates the science-policy process—and how to restore scientific integrity (Nov 2021)

Cochrane review, 2012: Industry sponsorship and research outcome "Sponsorship of drug and device studies by the manufacturing company leads to more favorable results and conclusions than sponsorship by other sources. Our analyses suggest the existence of an industry bias that cannot be explained by standard ’Risk of bias’ assessments."

Trials with positive outcomes are more likely to be reported than those with negative--which can distort an understanding of the true safety and efficacy of the drug. Industry-funded trials were 20 times more likely to produce results that favored the drug (2013):

Corporate Funding of Food and Nutrition Research Science or Marketing? (2015) "Between March and October 2015, I identified 76 industry-funded studies. Of these, 70 reported results favorable to the sponsor’s interest."

Relationship between Research Outcomes and Risk of Bias, Study Sponsorship, and Author Financial Conflicts of Interest in Reviews of the Effects of Artificially Sweetened Beverages on Weight Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Reviews (2016): "Review sponsorship and authors’ financial conflicts of interest introduced bias affecting the outcomes of reviews of artificially sweetened beverage effects on weight that could not be explained by other sources of bias."

Industry Funding and Cholesterol Research: A Systematic Review (2019) "49% of industry-funded intervention studies reported conclusions that were discordant with study results (ie, net cholesterol increases were described as favorable in the articles’ stated conclusions), compared with 13% of non–industry-funded studies"

Backlash Over Meat Dietary Recommendations Raises Questions About Corporate Ties to Nutrition Scientists (Jan 2020)

The characteristics and extent of food industry involvement in peer-reviewed research articles from 10 leading nutrition-related journals in 2018 (Dec 2020) "Of articles with food industry involvement, 55.6% reported findings favourable to relevant food industry interests, compared to 9.7% of articles without food industry involvement"

Tobacco industry manipulation of research (2005):

Scientifically sound article retracted after powerful company Herbalife and associates did not like the results and threatened to sue the journal

With statin drug research, results have been 35 times more likely to favor the drug companies when they fund the studies:

Big pharma companies (Pfizer and others) doing drug trials in developing countries without patient consent or ethics committee approval. Scientists who speak up are fired, others gagged. (2017): - Dying for Drugs (Pharmaceutical Investigation Documentary) - Real Stories.

Behind Purdue Pharma's marketing of OxyContin (2019):

Family behind OxyContin maker engineered opioid crisis, Massachusetts AG says (2019):
Guardian coverage:

The drug maker Novartis concealed manipulated data from the Food and Drug Administration while applying for approval of an extremely expensive gene therapy treatment and then delayed reporting the issue (Aug 2019)

The Global Conspiracy Behind Our Sugar Addiction | More Perfect Union (Aug 2024) [Collection of info]
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