High-dose iodine and oil of oregano are broad-spectrum antimicrobials that can harm the gut microbiome and do permanent damage only reparable via FMT. (Nov 2018)

Michael Harrop

Well-known member
Jul 6, 2023
I tried iodine after reading this:

Oil of Oregano, A potent, broad spectrum herbal antibiotic substance https://www.bmj.com/content/352/bmj.i939/rr-1

Both of them (individually - EDIT: to be clear, I did not take them together, I took them individually/separately on different occasions, separated by months and multiple FMTs) completely killed off any benefits I got from a very helpful FMT donor. The result was life-threatening food intolerances. I know what foods to avoid now, but when I didn't it was extremely dangerous.

It's a shame that when you look up these items on google you don't find much as far as detriments.

For Oil of Oregano:
I used this one: Natural Factors, Oil of Oregano, 1 fl oz (30 ml). Minimum 80% Carvacrol https://www.iherb.com/pr/Natural-Factors-Oil-of-Oregano-1-fl-oz-30-ml/22333.
The serving size says 4 drops (30mg Oregano oil, 24mg carvacrol), so that's probably what I took. Took it once per day on an empty stomach with water before bed for 4 days.

For iodine:
I used Lugol's iodine solution 2% http://www.integratedhealth.com/supplements/minerals/lugol-s-iodine-solution-2.html
1 drop of Lugol's = 6.5mg 3mg iodine. Iodine 1.2 mg + Potassium Iodide 2.4 mg - providing 1.8348 mg of iodine.

The recommendation is to take 6 drops 4 times daily in liquid or mixed with food, but not together with vitamins A, C, E, grape seed extract or cysteine.
I took 6 drops 2x for 2 days, on empty stomach with water.

2020 EDIT/update: I discovered that the FMTs I had done were simply very fragile, and other things such as 250mg niacin (enough to cause a mild niacin flush) seemed to have a similar impact as the iodine and oil of oregano.

Original 22 Nov 2018.