FMT for post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) or PSSD (Post-SSRI Sexual Disorder)? - Fecal Microbiota Transplant Conditions 

FMT for a specific condition


New member
Sep 5, 2024
Hello all,
Are any of you familiar with the avenue of using FMT to treat finasteride dysfunction. I have seen a few different anecdotal forum posts as well as the gentleman who used iodine at high levels with a DIY donor FMT. I honestly am certain that with the right screening it would be effective in treating my current condition. Here is a published study on the prevelance of the dysbiosis in patients after discontinuation. Would appreciate your persepctives, thanks.
I only know of the two you referenced:
BrongFogBoy cures Post Finasteride Syndrome with FMT (fecal microbiota transplant). Another cures hair loss.

And in addition to that, there is a good amount of other evidence for FMT being able to cure hair loss:

I think in general there is good evidence for the gut microbiome playing a causal role in the symptoms of "post finasteride syndrome", as well as FMT being able to treat those symptoms.
Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) has been reported in a subset of patients treated with finasteride (an inhibitor of the enzyme 5alpha-reductase) for androgenetic alopecia. These patients showed, despite the suspension of the treatment, a variety of persistent symptoms, like sexual dysfunction and cognitive and psychological disorders, including depression. A growing body of literature highlights the relevance of the gut microbiota-brain axis in human health and disease. For instance, alterations in gut microbiota composition have been reported in patients with major depressive disorder. Therefore, we have here analyzed the gut microbiota composition in PFS patients in comparison with a healthy cohort.

I have experienced sexual dysfunction and cognitive impairment made better or worse via changes to my gut microbiome.

For FMT, donor quality is paramount. It's easy to get worse; many people do. And high-quality donors are rare.
I just came across related ones for PSSD (Post-SSRI Sexual Disorder):

Post-finasteride syndrome and post-SSRI sexual dysfunction: two sides of the same coin? (2018)


Sexual dysfunction is a clinical condition due to different causes including the iatrogenic origin. For instance, it is well known that sexual dysfunction may occur in patients treated with antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). A similar side effect has been also reported during treatment with finasteride, an inhibitor of the enzyme 5alpha-reductase, for androgenetic alopecia. Interestingly, sexual dysfunction persists in both cases after drug discontinuation.

These conditions have been named post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) and post-finasteride syndrome (PFS). In particular, feeling of a lack of connection between the brain and penis, loss of libido and sex drive, difficulty in achieving an erection and genital paresthesia have been reported by patients of both conditions.

It is interesting to note that the incidence of these diseases is probably so far underestimated and their etiopathogenesis is not sufficiently explored.

To this aim, the present review will report the state of art of these two different pathologies and discuss, on the basis of the role exerted by three different neuromodulators such as dopamine, serotonin and neuroactive steroids, whether the persistent sexual dysfunction observed could be determined by common mechanisms.