
  1. Michael Harrop

    Antibiotics A history of repeated antibiotic usage leads to microbiota-dependent mucus defects (Jul 2024, FMT)
  2. Michael Harrop

    How I got off imodium/loperamide. Identify the root cause and the appropriate tool to solve it (FMT, Cholestyramine).

    Historically, I had IBS-C and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). After taking Rifaximin it switched to IBS-D, plus I couldn't tolerate protein & fat. The only tool available to me was imodium/loperamide, and I've been taking it for the past decade. It seemed to help with my fatigue as well. Since...
  3. Michael Harrop

    Blog FMT roadmap proposal (Jul 2019) Related forum threads: Donor quality and stool type hypothesis for FMT (Fecal Microbiota Transplant) Improve FMT effectiveness with mucus and biofilm dissolver? N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) Mucosal microbiota transplant...