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  1. N

    Conditions fmt and insomnia/palpitations?

    English is not my first language but i will try give more details. I had 6 years of weird stool. It all began with an episode of diarrhea. Since then stool was hard or soft or sticky. Before that i had everyday perfect type 3. Dark brown Niece cured me after 6 years. 2 years i had her type...
  2. N

    Conditions fmt and insomnia/palpitations?

    5 yrs niece. When she was 2, she had perfect type 4 stools and she cured me. Before stool was lighter, a bit yellow, softer. Maybe type 4 going towards type 5 After stool was more type 3/4 Enema, 250 ml and day after yellow and sour smelling. Her stool was firm type 2 dark brown but not super...
  3. N

    Conditions fmt and insomnia/palpitations?

    I did an fmt and the morning after i woke up with a 'shock'. as if something scared me. Also with my heart racing. Since then when im about to fall asleep my heart starts racing. (I have to say that before the fmt i had 2 weeks of insomnia because i was worrying, but the heart racing came...