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  1. A

    Enhancing Experiment: Fasting during FMT for increased effect

    I've done 10+ FMT's and tried a few different approaches to see if I can increase its effect. One transplant I did lasted about a year with good results and would have lasted longer if it weren't for me doing some more experiments since it didn't fully cure me. I'm not sure if it was thanks to...
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    Modulate the microbiome with raw human/cow milk as alternative to FMT?

    Human milk Due to the somewhat limited research and availability of FMT I was thinking of alternative ways to perform a transplant or modulating the gut. One idea could be to use human breast milk since it contains commensal bacteria from the gut and is literally intended to colonize a person...
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    Enhancing Improve FMT effectiveness with mucus and biofilm dissolver? N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

    I've been thinking of ways of improving the efficiency of FMT and thought about how bacteria create biofilm (a polysaccharide structure) and how they live in the mucus layer in the intestine. Biofilm structure and maturation: Mucus layer: Maybe a reason for why FMT doesn't always work is...