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  1. Michael Harrop

    Other Bacterial slime on microplastics help breed antibiotic-resistant superbugs (Mar 2025) Effects of microplastic concentration, composition, and size on Escherichia coli biofilm-associated antimicrobial resistance
  2. Michael Harrop

    Other Gut bacteria heal the colon (Mar 2025) Bile acid 7α-dehydroxylating bacteria accelerate injury-induced mucosal healing in the colon
  3. Michael Harrop

    Study Microplastics can cut a plant’s ability to photosynthesize by up to 12 percent, new research shows (Mar 2025) A global estimate of multiecosystem photosynthesis losses under microplastic pollution
  4. Michael Harrop

    Early development Gut Microbe Composition During Infancy May Protect Against Diabetes in Later Life (Mar 2025, mice) Neonatal fungi promote lifelong metabolic health through macrophage-dependent β cell development
  5. Michael Harrop

    Study Scientists discover new part of the immune system. The body's protein recycling system fights bacteria (Mar 2025) Cell-autonomous innate immunity by proteasome-derived defence peptides
  6. Michael Harrop

    Early development Longer breastfeeding linked to blood-pressure lowering effects of certain infant gut bacteria (Feb 2025, n=526) Infant Gut Microbiota and Childhood Blood Pressure: Prospective Associations and the Modifying Role of Breastfeeding
  7. Michael Harrop

    FMT A synthetic microbiome therapy suppresses C. diff infection without antibiotics (Mar 2025) A designed synthetic microbiota provides insight to community function in Clostridioides difficile resistance
  8. Michael Harrop

    Diet Gut Microbes Feed On More Than Fiber. Gut microbes produce many substances that our body needs but cannot produce itself, including short-chain fatty acids (Mar 2025) Metformin-regulated glucose flux from the circulation to the intestinal lumen
  9. Michael Harrop

    FMT Body mass index changes after fecal microbiota transplantation for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (Feb 2025, n=401) "no significant relationship between donor BMI and changes in recipient BMI after FMT" There are many caveats to this study. A main one is that BMI includes muscle mass, so it's not a good measurement of obesity or being overweight. Body fat is a better measurement. I know of someone who did FMT from a donor who was...
  10. Michael Harrop

    FMT Effects of clinical donor characteristics on the success of faecal microbiota transplantation for patients in Denmark with Clostridioides difficile infection: a single-centre, prospective cohort study (Feb 2025) sex, age, BMI, bristol stool type, antibiotic use, H pylori, birth mode, alpha diversity A group from Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. One of the few studies looking at bristol stool type. They found the opposite of my hypothesis. The caveats are that it's for C. difficile, which is very easy...
  11. Michael Harrop

    Study Eating from plastic takeout containers may significantly increase chance of heart failure (Nov 2024, n=3179) Effects of leachate from disposable plastic takeout containers on the cardiovascular system after thermal contact
  12. Michael Harrop

    OpenBiome Numerous severe adverse outcomes from Openbiome FMT

    I ask people to post their experiences here, but it seems that most people are too lazy to do so, and perhaps fail to recognize the importance of cataloging experiences publicly and in detail. There have been a few more that are either deleted now or I forgot where they were. I'm not linking...
  13. Michael Harrop

    FMT Effects of gastrointestinal symptoms on the efficacy of washed microbiota transplantation in patients with autism (Feb 2025, n=129) I'm very skeptical.
  14. Michael Harrop

    Study Microplastics can block blood vessels in mice brains (Jan, 2025) Microplastics in the bloodstream can induce cerebral thrombosis by causing cell obstruction and lead to neurobehavioral abnormalities
  15. Michael Harrop

    FMT Faecal microbiota transplantation in patients with systemic sclerosis and lower gastrointestinal tract symptoms in Norway (ReSScue): a phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (Jan 2025, n=67) "no improvement in lower GI symptoms; one duodenal perforation instance" Here we have a real-life example of the risks that come with standard medical procedures. It's one of the reasons FMT is more risky when done like this, via colonoscopy, etc. I can't look at their donor quality...
  16. Michael Harrop

    FMT Analysis of influencing factors of washed microbiota transplantation in treating patients with metabolic syndrome (Feb 2025, n=210) "WMT had a significant improvement and ASCVD downregulation effect on MS patients, and 42.65% of MS patients removed the label of MS after WMT treatment" A Chinese study. Their wording is poor but it appears that they're saying they cured 43% of MS patients. I'd take it with a grain of salt.
  17. Michael Harrop

    Causation Helicobacter pylori CagA+ strains modulate colorectal pathology by regulating intestinal flora (Feb 2025, mice)
  18. Michael Harrop

    Study Man on carnivore diet develops yellowish nodules on his hands, feet and elbows from cholesterol build-up (Jan 2025) Yellowish Nodules on a Man Consuming a Carnivore Diet
  19. Michael Harrop

    Other Developmental inequity and the impact of pesticide exposure on gut and brain health in developing nations – a Brazilian perspective (Feb 2025) A lot of people suggest recruiting stool donors from developing countries. This is one example of lax regulations in those countries that raise concerns about recruiting donors there. I've seen many things like this across many developing...
  20. Michael Harrop

    FMT The influence of microplastics on hypertension-associated cardiovascular injury via the modulation of gut microbiota (Jan 2025)
  21. Michael Harrop

    Early development Maternal allergy status, infant birth season impact milk microbiome of mothers (Dec 2024, n=196) Maternal Allergic Disease Phenotype and Infant Birth Season Influence the Human Milk Microbiome
  22. Michael Harrop

    Advocacy Continued letters and complaints to the FDA, NIH, and HHS (Jan 2025, FMT)

    Since my first letters in 2018 to both the NIH and FDA, nothing has changed. Tens of millions of dollars continue to be wasted on FMT (fecal microbiota transplant) clinical trials with low-quality donors, patients continue to be harmed, and safe & effective FMT continues to be unavailable, and...
  23. Michael Harrop

    FMT Safety and Efficacy of Fecal Microbiota, Live-jslm (REBYOTA®), for the Prevention of Recurrent Clostridioides difficile Infection in Participants With Inflammatory Bowel Disease in PUNCH CD3-OLS (Jan 2025, n=793) 4.2% serious adverse events, 79% success rate. Subgroup of this study: PUNCH CD3-OLS: a phase 3 prospective observational cohort study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of fecal microbiota, live-jslm (REBYOTA) in adults with recurrent Clostridioides...
  24. Michael Harrop

    FMT Fecal microbiota transplantation to prevent acute graft-versus-host disease: pre-planned interim analysis of donor effect (Jan 2025, n=20) 3 patients developed severe aGVHD from Donor 1 Mainly a group from the University of Washington, plus Alexander Khoruts from the University of Minnesota. Absolutely ridiculous that they think these are the important donor factors to list. 0 results for "stool type". And I don't see any...
  25. Michael Harrop

    Study Q&A: Assessing, addressing poor diet quality during pregnancy. Lower education & income, & high BMI are risk factors for low diet quality (Nov 2024) Diet quality from early pregnancy through 1-y postpartum: a prospective cohort study