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  1. I

    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    Just watched the clip, wow that's great they understand about antibiotic overuse and the microbiome, even better than I thought from the interview I heard. He said the risk of suicide is 3x greater in the year after taking antibiotics. I don't know if that's true but the fact of him saying that...
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    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    I can take another day this month to go there. Do you know when he is most likely to be there so I can increase the chances of seeing him? I'll draft up a letter too based on your other post on it. I think I'll emphasize the microbiome-autism connection though and possibly use the Alzheimer's...
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    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    This seems like the best we could have hoped for since Cassidy seems a lot more accessible than Kennedy. You literally talked to him and he took some time to listen. I don't know if Senator Cassidy knows that there is a microbiome connection to autism, possibly even in a majority of cases, but...
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    Enhancing Mucosal microbiota transplant, clearing the gut mucosa prior to FMT

    Well it's at least partially correct i.e. lower route which obviously bypasses those things. We certainly should not be assuming mouse FMT is directly comparable to lower route human FMT, especially considering the differences sometimes seen between human upper and lower route FMT. Or do you...
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    Enhancing Mucosal microbiota transplant, clearing the gut mucosa prior to FMT

    There are several factors to consider when translating the conclusions of this and other FMT mouse studies to humans that I did not elucidate in my previous post. Mouse FMTs do not bypass any of their GI tract while human FMTs seek to bypass the acid-producing stomach and antimicrobial-compound...
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    Impact of gut health on food poisoning or sensitivities

    I have not read the studies on fermented foods in healthy people so I'll take your word for it since I don't plan on reading them anytime soon. (I would if I had more time/energy and was considering trying them though.) I have seen fermented foods widely promoted and I suppose I bought into the...
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    Impact of gut health on food poisoning or sensitivities

    I was responding to this person's individual situation and not everyone as general advice. This person mentioned being healthy and having no gut problems.
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    Enhancing Mucosal microbiota transplant, clearing the gut mucosa prior to FMT

    This is a literature review I did evaluating the above-cited evidence that there is a significant difference between the mucosal and fecal microbiomes in humans. My conclusion is that there is insufficent evidence due to two issues with the research: 1) the use of mouse studies and 2) the use of...
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    Impact of gut health on food poisoning or sensitivities Read the sections "Pathogen Resistance by Commensal Gut Microbiota" and "Gut Microbiota and Pathogen Colonization Resistance Mechanisms" Your microbiome has what's called "colonization resistance" to gut pathogens that cause food poisoning like...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    That's called Southern hospitality. One of the nice things about living in Virginia :) It has been two weeks and I haven't gotten a response. I can try calling their office next week to follow up. I'll email you the comment I submitted on their website. There wasn't an option for a meeting...
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    Advocacy Continued letters and complaints to the FDA, NIH, and HHS (Jan 2025, FMT)

    Could you try complaining focusing on one specific study where harm was done (for example, the FMT study for C. diff that had to be stopped is a very clear example of patient harm being done, i.e. death) and cite the specific conditions in the donors (if you have info on the donors) that are...
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    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    That sucks you weren't able to get in. Sorry you woke up early and everything. Same with Fox News but I'm not surprised. Almost no one seems interested in this issue which is so bizarre. I don't fully understand it myself. I tried opening the article but it cost $. I did read that Bill Cassidy...
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    Outcomes Please help - anxiety/panic after FMT+yellow stool

    @Veronikakrov have you heard of histamine intolerance? When my histamines were really out of whack after antimicrobials I had severe anxiety, panic and insomnia. I still have the condition but to a lesser extent than before. Switching to a low-carb, low-histamine diet helped along with taking...
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    Advocacy Continued letters and complaints to the FDA, NIH, and HHS (Jan 2025, FMT)

    That sounds like a good idea. I'm happy to try to help with that. I don't have any relevant experience though just my own research on the microbiome and FMT. I know one person in academia who has some experience writing grants that I can ask for some advice on the process though.
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    @SFBayFMT5 Michael actually looked normal in person, not really like the picture. Except he is really tall. I saw him without the beard though. @Michael Harrop that's too bad about the NIH. How does someone get an appointment? With respect to protesting at RFK, Jr's hearing I think saying any...
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    Sharing My Autoimmune Recovery Journey + Solutions for your Gut Health (GAIP diet)

    Not really a great advertisement for GAIP for my situation for several reasons: I'm 5'5" and weigh 112 lbs, I can't afford to lose weight, let alone 25+ lbs I have carbohydrate intolerance There is insufficient protein on this diet One of my primary and most bothersome symptoms is fatigue which...
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    Sharing My Autoimmune Recovery Journey + Solutions for your Gut Health (GAIP diet)

    Same on fiber. I've read insoluble fiber can aggravate Crohn's (I have small bowel inflammation but unconfirmed if it's actually Crohn's) likely due to the physical irritation of an already inflamed intestinal lining. I'm also considering trying the diet though by slowly increasing the amount of...
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    Sharing My Autoimmune Recovery Journey + Solutions for your Gut Health (GAIP diet) Seems like GAIP (Goodbye Autoimmune Paleo) is a very strict diet comprised of essentially: 8-10 cups of raw vegetables and fruit 75% raw vegetables (leafy greens, crucifers) 25% raw fruit 1 cup...
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    Sharing My Autoimmune Recovery Journey + Solutions for your Gut Health (GAIP diet)

    @eminem0091 Was your autoimmune condition induced by a long course of antibiotics? Did you even have IBS? Obviously one person's experience does not apply to everyone, since people have unique microbiomes and unique environmental exposures. I'm sure many people can cure themselves with diet but...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I agree with you, but I think it is relevant to politicians and staffers. Many people still respect credentials and affiliations with well-known institutions. They are unaware of the vast inadequacies in our credentialing systems and the incompetencies of our institutions that you pointed out so...
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    Healthcare system Doctors are not systematically updated on the latest literature. What they're taught in med school is often wrong or gets outdated quickly. The result is the majority of doctors are extremely uninformed/misinformed about many major medical conditions. I believe this is costing many lives. (May 2018)

    I've been significantly harmed by doctors misdiagnosing me as having "SIBO" to the point of being unable to function, let alone work. Through my own research and self-experimentation I've been able to regain some function and the ability to work. But if my job required physical activity I would...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I'm sure the lack of credentials and institutional affiliations is a problem. Not sure what to do about that though.
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I'm sorry Bernie Sanders was so rude to you. I've never gotten good vibes from him tbh. In reference to your second video though I haven't gotten good vibes from almost any politician. I've always assumed Washington was like that Netflix series House of Cards. Just with less murder. Some...
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    FMT Methodology, efficacy and safety of fecal microbiota transplantation in treating inflammatory bowel disease (2020, review). Possible herpes zoster (shingles) transfer, and herpes also reported as adverse event in a placebo group

    Wow, it really should be part of the screening criteria. It appears four times in the study you linked so you were not incorrect. Two instances were from FMT (2 separate studies, Ding et al. and Wang et al.) but 2 instances were from placebo (Paramsothy et al.) The placebo in the study involved...
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    FMT Methodology, efficacy and safety of fecal microbiota transplantation in treating inflammatory bowel disease (2020, review). Possible herpes zoster (shingles) transfer, and herpes also reported as adverse event in a placebo group

    Do they not ask donors if they have herpes??? Or could you get herpes from FMT if your donor doesn't have herpes? Also maybe I'm reading this wrong but it seems like 2/4 instances of herpes were from placebo in Paramsothy et al.
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    Other Fecal samples and rectal swabs adequately reflect the human colonic luminal microbiota (Oct 2024, n=10)

    Did you already cross-reference the other studies with conflicting data to see that they all used bowel prep like osmotic laxatives, or does that still need to be done? Bowel prep would drastically change the mucosal community for days at a minimum and make the data collected after that...
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    Human Microbes, Donor NY-KS-1998. Treating CFS, IBS, mild Alzheimers. Large improvements to skin, stool quality, IBS. Mild to moderate improvements to fatigue, sleep, sex drive. Time to focus on Step #3 (2024)

    The comment above was just off the cuff, I had not really researched it. It seems like perhaps they don't eat bacteria so much as produce antimicrobial metabolites. They are certainly riskier than FMT and less well-studied but possibly very beneficial as an adjunct therapy due to their unique...
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    Human Microbes, Donor NY-KS-1998. Treating CFS, IBS, mild Alzheimers. Large improvements to skin, stool quality, IBS. Mild to moderate improvements to fatigue, sleep, sex drive. Time to focus on Step #3 (2024)

    Haven't read through all the links yet but I am curious if helminths have been discussed yet. I imagine they could destroy mucosa like the burning bubble in the first study. Also helminths eat bacteria. I wonder if they particularly like to eat soil-based bacteria since they live in soil? Even...
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    Autologous Autologous type-3 FMT (dark brown), Floraphage

    I don't think we have much evidence that OP is ill and looking for a cure. "I have no symptoms aside from the stool getting lighter/softer depending on the meal, blood work looks good"
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    Autologous Autologous type-3 FMT (dark brown), Floraphage

    There was a study of people recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and autologous FMT helped them. I will link. Recovery from what? Are you asking about antibiotic recovery? If so it might be a good idea in theory, as autologous FMT preserved prior to...
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    Donors FMT - good Idea for my circumstance? Plus list of donor possibilities

    I guess it's a little hard to tell how he ranks them all because I haven't seen an X/10 rating for every one. But he has ranked some later donors 7-8/10 implying they would be game changers for other people I think, or for himself given many doses. Also are you implying early or initial donors...
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    Blog Is a million dollars enough for your poop? Highly effective stool donors will now be paid 1 million dollars for their poop. And offering a half-a-million-dollar reward for anyone who recruits one. (Jul 2024,

    She's married to a different Jordan Fuller. His LinkedIn says "Chief Operations Officer at Peterson Academy. Background in mobile game development and marketing." He seems healthy but I don't think she has connections to the NFL. If it's been a long time since she asked about ordering I think...
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    Blog Is a million dollars enough for your poop? Highly effective stool donors will now be paid 1 million dollars for their poop. And offering a half-a-million-dollar reward for anyone who recruits one. (Jul 2024,

    No it wasn't an FMT they tested it was a probiotic. Wasn't sure where to post this but just wanted to check you've tried reaching out to Mikhaila Peterson. She's Jordan Peterson's daughter and she's done FMT for C. diff, and so has her mother. They did it in a kind of DIY way, I think they...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I sent an email, let me know if you didn't get it. Also I just got an alert that there is a big storm coming tonight and tomorrow so please be safe or let me know if you need help and there's something I can do. You should have my email address now. Apparently we're getting like 6-10 inches of...
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    Blog Is a million dollars enough for your poop? Highly effective stool donors will now be paid 1 million dollars for their poop. And offering a half-a-million-dollar reward for anyone who recruits one. (Jul 2024,

    I got the idea from the study referenced in this article: Are you familiar with this study? That is super interesting! I was thinking you were talking about <1...
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    Blog Is a million dollars enough for your poop? Highly effective stool donors will now be paid 1 million dollars for their poop. And offering a half-a-million-dollar reward for anyone who recruits one. (Jul 2024,

    I think the C-section neonate situation is possibly a special circumstance and maybe should be treated differently from infants and children needing an age-matched FMT for conditions like C. diff. The reason being these babies are not seeded at all, and are about to be primarily seeded with skin...
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    Blog Is a million dollars enough for your poop? Highly effective stool donors will now be paid 1 million dollars for their poop. And offering a half-a-million-dollar reward for anyone who recruits one. (Jul 2024,

    I didn't know that. I read an interview with one US pediatrician on the importance of certain bacteria for lung or lung immune development in babies in the first few months, and iirc he said he didn't know anyone doing FMT on babies in the US. That may be the hesitancy I encountered is the baby...
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    Blog Is a million dollars enough for your poop? Highly effective stool donors will now be paid 1 million dollars for their poop. And offering a half-a-million-dollar reward for anyone who recruits one. (Jul 2024,

    I experienced this a little with some researchers. I had my son's microbiome sequenced when I was considering him to be an FMT donor for myself and was shocked at the lack of a specific type of bacteria since he was a natural birth, exclusively breastfed for 6 months, and I'm still breastfeeding...
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    FMT Fecal microbiota transplantation influences microbiota without connection to symptom relief in irritable bowel syndrome patients (Aug 2024, n=49)

    Just skimmed it but a few takeaways The fact that they emphasized multiple times that their donor was chosen without regard to birth method means to me he was likely a C-section. Annoying that they gave very limited information about the donor too. I didn't even see age listed, just "young"...