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  1. S

    The group is just called "Fecal Microbiota Transplantation".

    The group is just called "Fecal Microbiota Transplantation".
  2. S

    Gezonde Darmflora Review of two Gezonde Darmflora donors--one good and one bad. DF3 and DF7.

    Sure EvaJak. These FMTs were the latest in a series that I started last May, so you may want to read my previous review of HM (in which I also compare and contrast that with OpenBiome). But briefly, this whole thing started with a sort of stretching pain in my middle back and a visibly swollen...
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    Gezonde Darmflora Review of two Gezonde Darmflora donors--one good and one bad. DF3 and DF7.

    Firstly, how do you know it's even the same woman we are talking about? Secondly, much of my interaction with her was in private messages, it was not public. Not to say that what she said publicly was in any way lacking in transparency either mind you--just that if she didn't spell everything...
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    Healthcare system Incoming trump admin with RFK signals new start for FDA

    That site has "scam" written all over it! Lots of very good sounding but completely vague verbiage and no actual work they are doing.
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    Gezonde Darmflora Review of two Gezonde Darmflora donors--one good and one bad. DF3 and DF7.

    It was the man, not the woman, who was evasive. The woman was very forthcoming about exactly how she had done her FMTs and what her experience was. She however ONLY used DF3, which was the donor who made me worse. The man had used both. This third study is about frozen FMT vs. FMT that has...
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    Gezonde Darmflora Review of two Gezonde Darmflora donors--one good and one bad. DF3 and DF7.

    Firstly--so Gezonde Darmflora (who I will call GD from now on) went through a period earlier this winter of not accepting orders from the US due to customs issues--thankfully neither of my orders had this problem although other orders in the same time frame did. Now they have solved this problem...
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    Outcomes Body odor changes after FMT?

    -do you get the same body odor as your donor after a lot of fmts? or is it more of a temporary effect that's gone as soon as you finish the fmts? I have not smelled the body odor of any donors as I do not know any of them personally. I also haven't noticed major shifts in my BODY odor after FMT...
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    Just last night I posted a very recent (in fact, not yet formally published in a journal) paper...

    Just last night I posted a very recent (in fact, not yet formally published in a journal) paper in the "Microbiome studies, news, media" section that you might really like to read. You ask a lot of questions about the microbiome and how it functions biochemically, that's what this paper is all...
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    Question GutID Microbiome Test

    In what way were you not impressed with Viome's results? Did they indicate your gut was "normal" despite you feeling very poor? That's how Thryve (now Ombre) was for me. I read about GutID and it seems the chief advantage they claim is that they identify bacteria down to the strain level...
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    Sources Comparing commercial FMT providers

    I mean that there is no way to compare PROVIDERS without receiving data from people who have tried more than one. Saying merely that of five people who ONLY tried Microbioma, for instance, only two improved, while of four who ONLY tried Gezonde Darmflora, all four improved, doesn't necessarily...
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    Causation Helicobacter pylori CagA+ strains modulate colorectal pathology by regulating intestinal flora (Feb 2025, mice)

    It looks like at least the abstract was run through an automated translation software of some kind, because some incorrect interpretations of terms have been added. In particular, I assume that "F/B ratio" in the original paper is referring to the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, but the software...
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    Causation Very interesting paper about metabolic roles in the gut microbiome (August 2024, preprint only, human) A widespread hydrogenase drives fermentative growth of gut bacteria in healthy people

    I was excited to see this paper a little under a month ago, as it confirms some things I've been using as a working assumption for a long time, yet never actually seen any empirical evidence for. The paper is only a preprint (i.e., an article that hasn't made it into an actual journal yet) now...
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    Sources Comparing commercial FMT providers

    "Other people make brief comments here and there"--that gives no basis to evaluate the overall success rate of any provider. What you really need is to look for people who have tried more than one provider. Clearly there are people for whom finding the right provider and/or donor is MUCH harder...
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    Early development Maternal allergy status, infant birth season impact milk microbiome of mothers (Dec 2024, n=196) Maternal Allergic Disease Phenotype and Infant Birth Season Influence the Human Milk Microbiome

    Interesting! So maybe it's time for a "microbiome zodiac" lol. While I'm sure that environmental bacteria vary significantly across the seasons, I would have thought that the human host environment would have buffered a lot of that, especially in modern Western cultures where food...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    What I mean by tone is this... in a number of your posts, you come across as if you believe the following: 1. The FMTs you have sold are so much superior to FMTs from ANY other provider, that anyone who uses a different provider is wasting his or her time 2. Building off point 1, you have...
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    Human Microbes Extreme Success From SD_ES_2015 For Severe Anxiety, Depression, and IBS

    The way I read the OP, I understood it that this is the most compatible donor of the four that he/she has tried, BUT even then, it STILL required a combination of thawed AND unthawed to be dramatically effective.
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I guess it's just a bad picture then. Hopefully the same goes for his general tone about other people, the state of the world, and the role of his own work in the whole thing. It's possible he mostly posts here when he needs to rant.
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    Outcomes Please help - anxiety/panic after FMT+yellow stool

    It sounds like whoever you used was a poor match donor for you. The one donor I've tried who made me worse, it was a similar thing, it greatly flared my mental health issues (whereas good donors improve them--and my best donor, from OpenBiome, temporarily got my mental health the best it had...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I challenge you to observe the people you see around yourself when you are in DC, and count how many have hair so long that almost their entire foreheads are invisible due to being covered by hair. I made a point of observing people I walked/drove by the day I made my last post, and I didn't see...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I don't know if it's the beard by itself, or the general vibe that the entirety of your appearance gives off. In the picture of you in front of Bernie Sanders' office, the combination of the beard, the slightly wild hair that hangs down over your forehead, and the wide-eyed stare make you look...
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    Autologous Autologous type-3 FMT (dark brown), Floraphage

    By the way, someone in a FMT group just mentioned this clinic in Portland, and I see they do autologous stool banking: So this is a definite option if you want to do what I was saying above (save some of your microbiome prior to going on antibiotics). I...
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    Autologous Autologous type-3 FMT (dark brown), Floraphage

    The opposite is true--autologous FMT will NOT restore critical species or strains that are entirely missing (unless the stool is collected before whatever stress--e.g. antibiotics--causes them to go extinct in your gut). Yes this concept IS correct. Each species of bacteria has certain...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I'm surprised as well that Bernie Sanders was dismissive of FMTs (or at least, that he was MORE dismissive than the average politician--even if ALL politicians almost HAVE to be dismissive of most things in order to make use of their limited time). He seems like a remnant of the 60s...
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    Autologous Autologous type-3 FMT (dark brown), Floraphage

    In my opinion, FMT is FAR too much of a gamble to be valuable if you have no health issues! In other words, it isn't something you do that's comparable to taking a bit of extra B vitamins or adding more leafy greens to your diet. Yes, for those of us with intractable health issues it can be an...
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    Autologous Autologous type-3 FMT (dark brown), Floraphage

    Yes, this is VERY different. Autologous FMT taken from before one's current health issues started is definitely promising. In fact, this might be even MORE likely to work than FMT from an unrelated donor, whose microbes may not be compatible (in other words, that person's "normal" might not be...
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    Donors FMT - good Idea for my circumstance? Plus list of donor possibilities

    What I meant was, based on his own self-report his best donors were toward the beginning of his journey, which means his success declined over time. I do not think that this is an inevitable consequence of more FMTs, but it doesn't support a claim that he is getting better at picking helpful...
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    Donors Smelly donor stool

    I tried two new donors over the past three months--one male, one female, both teenagers, from the same provider. And both had quite smelly stool. I will report in full about them soon, once I know better how I did with the better of these two long-term. The female donor's stool also worse of...
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    Donors FMT - good Idea for my circumstance? Plus list of donor possibilities

    While he MAY have gotten better at avoiding truly BAD donors, keep in mind that his two most helpful donors of all time were both among the first four he tried, yet he's tried around 15 of them by now. The next two most helpful were interspersed among 10+ who didn't make decisive differences. So...
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    Autologous Autologous type-3 FMT (dark brown), Floraphage

    It's unlikely that taking your OWN microbes will help you in any way. Whatever microbes you have when your stool is the color/consistency you are aiming for are still in there when it changes, just in different proportions. Diet is causing shifts in the balance, and will still do so just as much...
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    Suppose that the gut/brain axis is as important (in psychiatry) as the peer-reviewed literature seems to indicate. Why then isn't fecal transplantation an extremely famous and celebrated psychiatric treatment?

    It's also a 5-HT2C (one of the serotonin receptors, that plays a role in limiting the effectiveness of SSRIs) antagonist. There are multiple fates of tryptophan--being made into protein, acting as a NAD precursor, etc. 5-HTP can ONLY be used to make serotonin and melatonin. Provided that's what...
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    Procedure FMT implant advice/conundrum (clinic vs DIY)

    It seems your experience fits exactly what I was saying--your most effective experience so far has been with deep retention enema. Most donors you have done only capsules with have been of limited effectiveness. To my knowledge you have never had a FMT via gastroscopy, so you cannot comment on...
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    FMT Openbiome Sep-Dec 2024 updates. Distribution will cease on Dec 31, or when their IND Phase 2 protocol is cleared to proceed.

    Interesting, I thought they had stopped shipping back in 2021 as you'd said. Not that it matters for most of us who don't have C. diff. I will definitely consider writing to the FDA, telling them about my excellent experience with FMT from OpenBiome (which addressed much more than just C. diff).
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    Human Microbes, Donor NY-KS-1998. Treating CFS, IBS, mild Alzheimers. Large improvements to skin, stool quality, IBS. Mild to moderate improvements to fatigue, sleep, sex drive. Time to focus on Step #3 (2024)

    Have you tried any of these other methods and had them actually work? It seems not, otherwise you would have gotten one of the good donors to "stick". If they don't work, then why use them??
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    Procedure FMT implant advice/conundrum (clinic vs DIY)

    I'm guessing you're not in the United States, judging based on the clinics and suppliers that are available to you. Human Microbes was the only US supplier for DIY FMT, and they are no longer shipping, which means now there are zero based here--and no clinics offer endoscopic FMT treatment for...
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    Suppose that the gut/brain axis is as important (in psychiatry) as the peer-reviewed literature seems to indicate. Why then isn't fecal transplantation an extremely famous and celebrated psychiatric treatment?

    1. I have a degree in biochemistry and work in a neurobiology lab, and I've also looked into a lot of things as possible treatments for my own condition (which is some sort of neuro-immune condition that has never been formally diagnosed, though I see similarities to experiences of families with...
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    Suppose that the gut/brain axis is as important (in psychiatry) as the peer-reviewed literature seems to indicate. Why then isn't fecal transplantation an extremely famous and celebrated psychiatric treatment?

    Pendulum started selling an A. muciniphila probiotic just a year or two ago. Candidatus Saccharimonas has not even been cultured, let alone commercialized, it's only known to exist by its DNA sequence that has been caught floating around in samples. Nobody even knows what the cells look like...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    What is "a project like this"? In other words, who gets to decide who the recipients are, what the inclusion/exclusion criteria are for people being treated, and analyzes the results (including determining what counts as a "success" or doesn't? What route of administration will be tested? As...
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    Blog The FDA and FMT regulation, part 2. (Jul 2024, I met with the FDA. Here's what I shared with them, and their response.

    I have to wonder if the majority of people, legislators included, consider the main roadblock here to be scientific/medical, rather than legislative. In other words, they think that we first need to figure out the optimal way to technically carry out a FMT (including, but certainly NOT limited...
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    Smell and microbiome

    Do you mean the smell of your stool? or the smell of your skin/sweat? Nearly all "sulfur smell" comes from the microbiome--the sulfur-containing amino acids that make up part of our own cells don't smell strongly like sulfur, that requires that bacteria break them down into smaller, volatile...