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  1. E

    What is the gut microbiome's role in motility of the stomach, small intestine, and colon?

    Can microbiome causes stomach to empty slower, or small intestine? Or is just effecting the motility in the large intestines??
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    Outcomes Methane and FMT - any study where methanogens were eradicated with FMT?

    Is there any study where methanogens were eradicated with FMT? I know that people can get methanogen constipation from donor but never heard of the opposite.
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    Smell and microbiome

    Since having gut issues i have enchanced smell of sulfur. It went back to normal while on bactrim. Does anyone else have this experience? Is there any data confirming that?
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    Sources Searching FMT capsules for shipping to Germany

    As much as i agree that sibo is basically dysbiosis its still overgrowth… Do you follow Mark’s Pimentel research? Network of normal duodenal bacteria is completely destroyed and therefore other bacteria prolifirate.
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    Donors What are most common reasons person is not fit for being a donor if stool tests are not really reliable?

    What are most common reasons person is not fit for being a donor? If stool tests are not really reliable?
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    Procedure SIBO, small intestine, FMT

    Well snall intestinal transplant is when they take small intestinal fluid and put it in small intestine of a patient. It was done couple of times but its rare because its hard to obtain.
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    Procedure SIBO, small intestine, FMT

    Are there any studies done focused on small intestinal microbiome before and after fmt? (regular fmt not small intestinal transplant)
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    Hi i have couple of question if u dont mind answering i would really appreciate it:) How does...

    Hi i have couple of question if u dont mind answering i would really appreciate it:) How does bile affect stool form? I ask because i have tyoe 1 and 2 no matter what, the only thing that helps are a lot of mg or other laxatives but im aware thats just a bandaid Are there any known...
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    What makes someone high quality donor? I keep seeing talk about super donor but how would it be...

    What makes someone high quality donor? I keep seeing talk about super donor but how would it be even proven if stool tests are not that good? Someone being an athlete is not best indication imo.
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    Synthetics Thaenabiotic postbiotic supplement. Similar to FMT?

    Has anyone tried postbiotic Thaenabiotic? Its similar to fmt but the bugs in it are killed.
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    Procedure SIBO, small intestine, FMT

    How are donors tested then? If 16s and gi map are not accurate? Ive checked and havent found anything exceot u test with gi map and then questionaire am i right?
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    Procedure SIBO, small intestine, FMT

    Hi, I have sibo or dysbiosis in small intestine since h pylori infection (now cleared) I have intense upper gut bloating that doesnt go away never not even if i dont eat. I tried elemental diet, bacteriophages, rifaximin, bactrim, and some herbals. No effect. My stool tests come back fairly...