Recent content by SMNagai

  1. S

    Sources Purety Clinic FMT experience? | Fecal microbiota transplants

    I had to provide them medical documentation of my hospitalization for C. Diff to be treated. I'm not sure who else they're treating, or for what.
  2. S

    Sources Purety Clinic FMT experience? | Fecal microbiota transplants

    Yes, I have. Thank you for asking! My gut issues have completely disappeared after a full six months has passed since my fecal transplant. I'm no longer experiencing chronic constipation and can eat/drink any fruit (or fruit juice) that I try, without issues. I've also been excited to start...
  3. S

    Sources Purety Clinic FMT experience? | Fecal microbiota transplants

    I wanted to update the people interested in FMT's on my recent experience stateside. Aside from major gut issues, I'm trying to treat/improve my Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and depression. I completed my round of five FMT enemas at home last week and am now waiting 2-3 months to see the full...
  4. S

    Non-FMT Approach and Book Recommendations

    I changed my diet 7.5 years ago and have seen some major improvements. It has literally erased my Fibromyalgia pain, but the exhaustion and depression are still there. A nutritionist told me to check out the book: The Gut Health Protocol by John G. Herron. I found it very helpful. Also, try...
  5. S

    I have a post on here about a clinic in the US that does FMT for patients without recurrent...

    I have a post on here about a clinic in the US that does FMT for patients without recurrent cdiff infections. I've only had cdiff once, so am not a candidate at other places I've looked into.
  6. S

    Sources Purety Clinic FMT experience? | Fecal microbiota transplants

    I've been researching FMT's and am considering using Purety Clinic in Santa Barbara, CA. Is anyone familiar with, or have experience with them? They're charging $7k, which seems high to me, but not if it will be life-changing. I had C. diff once in 2016 after taking antibiotics for Bronchitis...