Recent content by Asclepius

  1. A

    Enhancing Experiment: Fasting during FMT for increased effect

    No it was upper-route and I've only used this donor once. Interesting, my experience is different. I've used another donor where I did both with and without bowel prep and the effect of the FMT's were similar but significantly stronger with bowel prep and the effect lasted longer. Yes. I had a...
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    Enhancing Experiment: Fasting during FMT for increased effect

    I've done 10+ FMT's and tried a few different approaches to see if I can increase its effect. One transplant I did lasted about a year with good results and would have lasted longer if it weren't for me doing some more experiments since it didn't fully cure me. I'm not sure if it was thanks to...
  3. A

    Modulate the microbiome with raw human/cow milk as alternative to FMT?

    I gave raw cow milk a try and did 1L per day for 5 days. It seemed to have a somewhat calming effect on my gut but it also gave me brain fog and slightly increased fatigue. My sleep felt deeper and my stool became slightly softer and smelled different. Not in a bad way though, it just smelled...
  4. A

    Sharing My Autoimmune Recovery Journey + Solutions for your Gut Health (GAIP diet)

    Yeah I react differently to soluble vs insoluble fibre as well. I was thinking of trying flaxseed oil first instead of the actual seeds to avoid some of the fibre in the start and then ease into it. Thanks for taking your time sharing all the details about your diet (I really thought you were...
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    Sharing My Autoimmune Recovery Journey + Solutions for your Gut Health (GAIP diet)

    And if I want to try it, would you share your protocol then? Good summary. It seems to be effective in particular for people with Lupus and Sjögren's which most likely are caused by similar deviations in the microbiome which gets corrected with this diet. I seriously doubt it'll work for every...
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    Sharing My Autoimmune Recovery Journey + Solutions for your Gut Health (GAIP diet)

    Why don't you start with explaining exactly what you did? What did you eat, how much, for how long etc. Describe your full protocol that you used to get better. Your first post reads more like an ad for paid websites than an actual attempt at helping people by sharing your exact methodology.
  7. A

    Modulate the microbiome with raw human/cow milk as alternative to FMT?

    Human milk Due to the somewhat limited research and availability of FMT I was thinking of alternative ways to perform a transplant or modulating the gut. One idea could be to use human breast milk since it contains commensal bacteria from the gut and is literally intended to colonize a person...
  8. A

    Enhancing Improve FMT effectiveness with mucus and biofilm dissolver? N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

    I tried this a couple of months ago and all it seemed to do was dislodge bacteria which made me lose progress from previous FMT. It also might have removed some problematic microbes, so I don't know, maybe this can be used to get rid of bad donors microbes etc. I also tried this recently. I...
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    Enhancing Improve FMT effectiveness with mucus and biofilm dissolver? N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

    Yes high quality donors definitely matters a lot, but to wait for that one super donor who can cure all of our problems to finally show up, well that might just take an eternity... Thanks for the write up in the other thread Mucosal microbiota transplant & clearing the gut mucosa prior to fmt...
  10. A

    Enhancing Mucosal microbiota transplant, clearing the gut mucosa prior to FMT

    Unfortunate that they didn't seem to test the microbiota of the mucus before and after treatment. If it fully changes the mucus membrane then surely it must have a huge impact on the microbes living there. Maybe most of the microbes will be lost with it, which makes me wonder what microbes will...
  11. A

    Enhancing Improve FMT effectiveness with mucus and biofilm dissolver? N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)

    I've been thinking of ways of improving the efficiency of FMT and thought about how bacteria create biofilm (a polysaccharide structure) and how they live in the mucus layer in the intestine. Biofilm structure and maturation: Mucus layer: Maybe a reason for why FMT doesn't always work is...