Should you eat more dietary fiber? New study says it depends (Jun 2024, n=59) Gut microbial features and dietary fiber intake predict gut microbiota response to resistant starch supplementation Other 

Michael Harrop

Active member
Jul 6, 2023

Nutritionists generally advise everyone to eat more dietary fiber, but a new Cornell University study suggests that its effects on health can vary from person to person. The findings indicate that recommendations should be tailored to each individual's gut microbiome.

The study, published in Gut Microbes, focused on resistant starch, a category of dietary fiber found in such foods as bread, cereals, green bananas, whole-grain pasta, brown rice and potatoes.

The researchers identified the gut microbe species that change in response to two different types of resistant starch. They found evidence that each individual may have a unique response to eating a resistant starch, with some people benefiting and others experiencing little or no effect. The reason appears tied to the level of diversity and composition of a person's gut microbiome.


Resistant starch (RS) consumption can have beneficial effects on metabolic health, but the response, in terms of effects on the gut microbiota and host physiology, varies between individuals. Factors predicting the response to RS are not yet established and would be useful for developing precision nutrition approaches that maximize the benefits of dietary fiber intake. We sought to identify predictors of gut microbiota response to RS supplementation.

We enrolled 76 healthy adults into a 7-week crossover study with 59 individuals completing the study. Participants consumed RS type 2 (RS2), RS type 4 (RS4), and digestible starch, for 10 d each with 5-d washout periods in between. We collected fecal and saliva samples and food records during each treatment period. We performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing and measured fecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), salivary amylase (AMY1) gene copy number, and salivary amylase activity (SAA).

Dietary fiber intake was predictive of the relative abundance of several amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) at the end of both RS treatments. AMY1-related metrics were not predictive of response to RS. SAA was only predictive of the relative abundance of one ASV after digestible starch supplementation. Interestingly, SCFA concentrations increased the most during digestible starch supplementation. Treatment order (the order of consumption of RS2 and RS4), alpha diversity, and a subset of ASVs were predictive of SCFA changes after RS supplementation.

Based on our findings, dietary fiber intake and gut microbiome composition would be informative if assessed prior to recommending RS supplementation because these data can be used to predict changes in specific ASVs and fecal SCFA concentrations. These findings lay a foundation to support the premise that using a precision nutrition approach to optimize the benefits of dietary fibers such as RS could be an effective strategy to compensate for the low consumption of dietary fiber nationwide.
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